Tuesday Teardown: White Orange Giveaway


Tuesday Teardown: White Orange Giveaway

Psychedelic, cult rock, mixed in with Pacific Northwest vernacular influences is how’d describe White Orange‘s sound. But since they’re such stoners, they rant on about how White Orange embodies a “synesthesia of sound and movement, an ideological translucent experience, jammy epic psychedelic trance rock”. If you grew up listening to desert rocksters Kyuss, or had your skateboarding sessions fueled by Dinosaur Jr, these guys are for you. Hell, my dad’s love for King Crimson trickled over into my childhood music taste. All of these bands, mixed in with some Alex Grey-inspired cult album art make White Orange one unique band. And you can win some of their music, including a 2x LP.

Tuesday Teardown is back and I figured I’d start it off with something a lil different.

Check out more below.

This 2x LP, released on Made in China Records, has some over the top cover art by Raul Casillas.

The clear blue and clear green add to the trippy vibes and each LP comes with an MP3 disk.

So how does all this relate to PiNP and Tuesday Teardown? This is Mt. Hood, an iconic mountain, just outside Portland. There are various crit races and rides in this beautiful mountain’s foothills. Instagram, Facebook and Flickr are always flooded with photos of Mt. Hood and I know some of you live in Portland, so I want you to share your vista of Mt. Hood with the PiNP audience and White Orange.

The giveaway is simple:

-Shoot a photo of Mt. Hood, OR any mountain, climb, whatever. Even a bridge counts! You can use 35mm, digital, Instagram (which is now available for Android), Flickr, whatever.

-Post the photo in the Disgus comments (there’s an option to upload an image) – just make sure your photo is resized at 700px wide.

-And I’ll pick three winners. Each winner will get a nice package from the members of White Orange. First place will get a 2x LP and band swag, Second place will get a 2x LP and Third will receive a CD and various band swag from the members.

-You’ve got till next Tuesday!

-Ok go!