
The Radavist’s 2017 Photographic Year in Review

At the end of each year comes a state of reflection over here at the Radavist. One where I look back at all the imagery created over the previous twelve months and begin to compile a visual catalog of this site’s many narratives. From Peru to Pennsylvania, the autodidact raconteurs who contribute to the Radavist do a damn fine job at documenting their lives, experiences and the people who make this tight community come alive.

This year, I attempted and failed at the year in review post multiple times. For some reason, the linear narrative felt too contrived, too forced. The content, or photographs rather, wanted to live on their own to tell their own tales and come alive once again. In the internet era, moments are often lost to the ephemeral experience of web publishing, which is why I find galleries like this so important to not only this website in particular but our community as a whole.

Please enjoy these photos, these vignettes into each photographer’s life experiences. Bear no mind to the captions, since altering those would in turn, alter their original Reportage. Instead use them to jump-start your mind, perhaps driving you to search back through the archives.

Thanks to the many authors who make this website what it is, continue to share the stoke and thank you, the readers, for coming back!
