

Colin’s Custom Knee Scooter


Colin’s Custom Knee Scooter

Colin’s Custom Knee Scooter
Words and Photos by Spencer J Harding

Now for something completely different!

Every once in a while the universe just has to just check you a little bit.  A few months ago Colin was skateboarding and when he landed he felt that terrible feeling of a tendon tearing. Turns out he completely tore his Achilles tendon.  Staring down a few months of recovery and physical therapy, Colin quickly looked at his knee scooter and saw an opportunity.  Not being much of a sedentary person, he got to scheming about customizing his scooter for more practical use.

Duncan From Transit Cycles’ Black Cat All Road


Duncan From Transit Cycles’ Black Cat All Road

After spending close to a month in Tucson, I got a good handle on what the cycling community is like in that wonderful city. Well, in the winter anyway, summer is another story. One place I found myself stopping by frequently for events is Transit Cycles. With Spencer’s gallery being one of my favorite Shop Visits on this site, I didn’t feel it necessary to completely revisit Transit, photographically. While they did move to a new location since Spencer’s piece, many of the vignettes and textures are still relevant to Transit’s modus operandi. I did, however, feel compelled to check out their new space and hit some highlights, and as the title implies, to shoot the owner, Duncan’s, Black Cat All Road.