

A Day in 20 Photos: 03.22.2013


A Day in 20 Photos: 03.22.2013

Killing two birds with one stone, we got in a little bit of riding today as, we knocked out some filming for the forthcoming Mission Workshop Acre line. We already had video and photos from urban riding and I had a hankering for some elevation. The hardest part about traveling is falling out of your riding routine. It had been a few days since I had even ridden my bike and I wanted to keep my legs loose and my fitness up, so we found a short and sweet climb to ride.

I threw my Mamiya 7ii in my musette and shot some, then at the halfway point, I switched to the 5D and the 40mm pancake, which these photos were taken with. Climbing in the horrible air quality and intense humidity was no easy feat. My lungs feel sore and my sinuses are in pain but it felt great to get the blood moving…

Check out some narrated photos in the Gallery and keep an eye on Mission Workshop’s (@MissionWorkshop) and my Instagram (@JohnProlly) during the day for updates.

A Day in 20 Photos: 03.20.2013


A Day in 20 Photos: 03.20.2013

Ok, I know I’m going against the category of A Day in 10 Photos but I couldn’t narrow it down to less than 20. Plus, the galleries look nice with two rows of photos.

We were all pretty tired come Wednesday and the last place I wanted to go was a tradeshow but the allure of the Taipei cycle show was enticing. A quick walk of the aisles and I had seen everything worth seeing. The juxtaposition of an international company’s booth like Mavic right next to a Taiwanese bootleg version was quite comical. Most of the products I had seen at Interbike and the show was smaller than NAHBS this year. We were done seeing everything in under two hours.

From there, we made it out for some food before heading to the Mission Workshop and Voyager party at Werd Magazine where some of the many locals rolled through and had a few drinks. What happened afterwards is the reason why I didn’t make a post yesterday. We were all up too late, partying too hard and feeling like crap the next day. At least I’m over my jetlag and reenergized now, ready for a busy day ahead…

Check out some narrated photos in the Gallery and keep an eye on Mission Workshop’s (@MissionWorkshop) and my Instagram (@JohnProlly) during the day for updates.

A Day in 20 Photos: 03.19.2013


A Day in 20 Photos: 03.19.2013

Ok, I know I’m going against the category of A Day in 10 Photos but I couldn’t narrow it down to less than 20. Plus, the galleries look nice with two rows of photos.

Today was awesome. All we had on our agenda was to visit a camera store to pick up some batteries and storage cards. For a majority of the day, we ended up walking around the various discricts in town, stopping when something caught our eye and dipping into some of the insane storefronts that line the streets of Taipei. Immediately, I was drawn to the camera stores, where I attempted to haggle an owner out of a lens until I began to asses the financial implications of said purchase. Maybe another day.

While a majority of the stores are filled with useless garbage, there’s a nice collage-like effect they have on the city. Flashing lights, bootleg merchandise, food carts, people in shopping frenzies and crowded sidewalks are just some of the sights you’ll see on foot in Taipei.

Check out some narrated photos in the Gallery and keep an eye on Mission Workshop’s (@MissionWorkshop) and my Instagram (@JohnProlly) during the day for updates.