Apologies for the double-dip of Los Angeles bike shop goodness but Path Less Pedaled also visited the Cub House in San Marino during their stay in LA and I had to share it!

The Scene at the 2019 Cub House Bike and Car Show!
We got the keys to The Cub House 2.0 in June of 2017. We’d been at our original little shop in South Pasadena for a couple of years and I was extremely nervous about the move to much more “upscale” San Marino, even though it was only a few short blocks away. San Marino definitely has a reputation for being rigid, so The Cub House stands out here. Like REALLY stands out. Have you seen our spot? There aren’t too many multicolor service station turned Bike & Plant Stores in our area.

Come Celebrate the Cub House’s 2-Year Anniversary!
The Cub House opened its doors at their 2510 Mission St address in San Marino two years ago and this weekend, they’re celebrating with a Ringtail Pop-Up and rides both Saturday and Sunday. If you’re in the area, make sure you swing by!

Jun’s Eddy Merckx Telekom SLX with Ornately Engraved Campagnolo
Today is Labor Day in the US, so we’re taking the day easy, and catching up on life’s demands but we wanted to share this bike on Monday, because, you know, it’s Merckx Mondays. When I was at the Cub House a few weeks back, I met Jun, who was out on a ride with this bike. As you can imagine, this bike has quite the story…

This Cub House Built Crust Bikes Lightning Bolt Cruiser Shines!
What do you get when Bené, aka Ultra Romance, aka Ronnie McFly, aka Glistening Gandolf coerces an XC/roadie racer boi into embracing the long and slow lifestyle? Well, you’re about to find out. While Benedict and Sean from Team Dream were working closely on those nifty merino wool bib shorts, Benedict convinced Sean with his silver tongue to build up a dream bike. A veritable ex-roadie 2.0 cruiser, complete with all the iconic componentry of MTB and randonneuring’s heyday, which pinch me if I’m wrong, is always the present time. What you see here is the result of much toodlin’ and many man hours spent scrounging for parts. All aboard a Crust Bikes Lightning Bolt.

LA Explorers Club Ride: Sunday Cruise: Teen Wolf and other Hollywood Love Stories
The LA Explorers Club ride, a fun, all are welcomed group ride, is coming up this Sunday, July 28th. @losangelesexplorersclub and @itsnotabikeshop are joining forces to host a Sunday Cruise: Teen Wolf and other Hollywood Love Stories. If you’re a fan of 1980’s movies, don’t miss out on this fun ride. It’ll be a chill 14-mile loop leaving from and finishing at the Cubhouse in San Marino. Consider wearing your best 80’s attire to join our costume contest during the After Party!
If you’d like to come, it’s FREE, just make sure you RSVP to receive a free LA Explorers Club patch.

A Cub House Built Cannondale F-Si Hi-MOD Throwback XC Bike!
Most cyclists, and even non-cyclists, who enjoy the type of bike racing that involves going up and down hills know the name Eddy Merckx and of course The Tour de France. Road racing, and the companies associated with it, do a great job of embracing its European heritage and consistently reminding us of how the sport evolved into what it is today. This makes it easy easy to get pulled into the romanticized parts of road racing when companies like Campagnolo, Colnago, and Bianchi do such a great job of celebrating their places in what makes the sport special.

A Second Hand Falconer is Still a Falconer
It all began with an Instagram post: “why do I have to be Mr Pink?” Selling my road frame and fork, 74 head angle, 73 seat, 59cm effective top tube. Fits someone 6′ to 6’3″ or so. Frame is all True Temper S3 and has less than 3k miles on it. Paint has some flaws and cracking in it, nothing too bad. Frame clears a 27mm tire, fork a 25mm, could also substitute an Enve fork for better clearance for an upcharge. 1000$ with a King headset OBO, buyer pays shipping. Email me info@falconercycles.com with questions, no direct messages please.”

Danny’s Stinner Root Beer Dream Stinner Road with Mavic Carbon Open Pros
NAHBS is back in Sacramento this year and having only walked around the hall during setup yesterday, I can already tell the convention center is jam-packed with builders and brands from all over the US, yet it’s hard to deny the strong California presence. While Stinner Frameworks is not showing this year, Team Dream and Mavic Cycling are.
Would the Cub House Survive the Apocalypse?
Our friends at the Global Cycling Network sure think so!
The Cub House Bike Show and Swap Video
We’ve already looked at the Cub House’s Bike Show and Swap in photos but here’s a video recap from the team!

The Cub House Bike Show and Swap: 1960’s Cinelli Super Corsa
Continuing our coverage from the third annual Cub House Bike Show and Swap…
Chuck is a lifelong cyclist. He runs and owns Velo-Retro but spent his life as a graphic designer who worked on many classic cycling logos, including the Eddy Merckx logo and others. That’s a whole different story altogether, hopefully, to be told another time. Right now let’s focus on this beautiful example of a pristine 1960’s Cinelli Super Corsa.

The Cub House’s Third Annual Bike Show and Swap… and Auto Show!
When Sean from the Cub House told me his dream of putting on a bike and auto show, I wasn’t exactly sure how it’d pan out. Now, don’t get me wrong, Southern Californians love their cars and in this social circle, people love their bicycles just as much, if not more. I was worried that the cars would take center stage over the bikes, or it would get overrun with the auto show crowd. Boy, was I wrong!

The Cub House Bike Show and Swap: Medici-Built Carnevale C-Record Road
Today was the Cub House’s third annual bike show and swap. While we’ll look at the show itself tomorrow, I couldn’t wait to share the winning bike from the show, this Medici-built Carnevale Road bike. Now, with all bikes like this, there is a backstory. Ralph Carnevale was a major dealer of Medici Bicycles in Southern California in the 70’s and 80’s. His shop sold so many Medici bikes that the Masi-spinoff builder made a whole line of Carnevale Bicycles for Ralph.

The Third Annual Cub House Bicycle Show and Swap Meet
On December 9th, the Cub House brings back its annual bike show and swap meet, along with a toy drive. All the details are on the flyer above, so mark your calendars!

We Spent Black Friday in the Mountains of Los Angeles!
While Black Friday follows a holiday meant to celebrate the togetherness of friends and family, we oftentimes get swept up in consumerism. Hey, it happens. Deals here, deals there. Lines, lines, lines! The whole ordeal can really taint an otherwise pleasant weekend. Don’t even get me started on Thanksgiving in itself. (You should read the history behind what this holiday was founded on, written by the Manataka American Indian Council.) Now, I’m not writing this piece to get into the complicated history of Indigenous Lands and religious zealots’ squandering of natural resources. I actually like what this time of year embodies but I approach the subject with great care. No matter how you look at it, we are all on Native Lands.

the Cub House Super Saturday Sale Swap Market Bonanza
If you’re in Los Angeles and are looking for a way to spend your Saturday, look no further! It’s part group ride, part sale, part swap, part framebuilder showcase, and all party. If you have any questions, ranging from how to get a booth for the swap to what the hell a Bonaza is, head to the Cub House’s Instagram!

Scenes from the Sim Works Convenie Pop-Up at the Cub House
Over the past few months, the Cub House has been host to a number of pop-up shops inside its San Marino space. There’s a 10’x10′ room which happens to make for a perfect space for brands to display their product. This round, Sean, Danny, and Carla reached out to Japan’s Sim Works to open a “convenie” – Japanese slang, shortened from convenience store – filled with Sim Works, their outdoor brand, RAL, as well as Japanese snacks and trinkets. In the Cub House fashion, the team decided to make a big deal about it, throwing a group ride, and pinging Mick from 100 Tacos to cater the event.
If you’re in the Los Angeles area, be sure to swing through the Cub House to see the Sim Works Convenie Store!
The Cub House
2510 Mission St
San Marino, CA 91108