Without a doubt, Team Dream is killing it with these fade and stripe designs. The color combinations are amazing! Available now as individual pairs, or as a full pack at Team Dream and if you like fleeces, shirts or caps, there’s more of that, too.

Without a doubt, Team Dream is killing it with these fade and stripe designs. The color combinations are amazing! Available now as individual pairs, or as a full pack at Team Dream and if you like fleeces, shirts or caps, there’s more of that, too.
Team Dream and Ringtail have been working something special:
“Team Dream & Ringtail have been handing out cyber high fives for some time now, but we now “officially” have a home base! There will be lots of new/limited releases along with some great stuff from our favorite brands. It all begins this Saturday at 11AM… smile emoticon”
The Cub House
1412 El Centro St
South Pasadena CA
The guys at Team Dream Team have been working hard on this fall launch, with tons of new products and unique designs. From jerseys to riding wallets and decals, there’s something for anyone’s budget, all in glowing hues and tones. One of my favorite pieces are the fade jerseys and the new Rumblin’ Rolls. All made in the USA!
All I gotta say is, good thing it’s payday! Swoop up at Team Dream Team.
If you can’t tell, life has been complicated over here. All last week, I was packing up my belongings, selling or giving away the excess and planning for the final move from Austin to Los Angeles. Both the emotional and physical baggage I left Austin with is now in LA, still boxed up awaiting to be opened and placed in their home.
It’s been a busy, stressful, overwhelming few days and as a cyclist, that means I can only relax by pedaling my bike, preferably with friends and on some dirt. Luckily, there’s a lot of both in my new city.
We’ve seen photos from these trails before. Cherry Canyon is like a mini-Verdugos. It’s what can be best described as a cross-country park with fireroads going up the hills and singletrack offshoots bombing down. You pedal up for about 10 minutes and rip down for 5. When you realize that a trail system is a little boring on a mountain bike, you take out your cyclocross bike and try to go as fast as possible down… If you’re still losing interest, do so at night.
Night riding is part of life as a cyclist. Especially in Fall. My buddy Jack drove over with me in the moving truck to hang in LA, so we hit up Sean from Team Dream Team to take us on a spin.
I’ve been using the Bontrager Ion700t lights for trail riding, paired with the Bluetooth switch. One on the bars and one on the helmet. 700 lumens has proven to be more than enough to illuminate the trails in a city like LA, with its excessive light pollution. Expect a more thorough review soon.
Last night, Cherry Canyon provided a great sunset and a perfect way to reduce the overpowering and crippling stress of a move. Things will pick up full speed next week… thanks for your patience.
Photo by Jesse Carmody
It’s that time of year again. Sean from Team Dream is throwing his annual #TeamDreamSunsetChasingTeam contest on Instagram. The concept is simple: chase a sunset, shoot a photo and tag it #TeamDreamSunsetChasingTeam. Here’s the rundown:
“Here…We…Go! This rounds Sunset Chasing Photo Contest prizes are SOOO insane (like so insane that these aren’t even all of them because we couldn’t fit anything else in the photo). We have loads great stuff ready for you to win! Some of the grand prizes include bags from @missionworkshop / @acresupply, glasses from @oakleybike, kits from us here @teamdreamteam / @endocustoms & the “ultra grand prize” is a set of Ksyrium SLR wheels (plus shoes) from @maviccycling.
We will be picking a total of 15 winners and 1 Grand Prize winner. You now have 5 days to get out and post your best #TeamDreamSunsetChasingTeam images! Just use the hashtag on your photos to participate. The only rule is that the photo must be new/original and be yours. Winners will be chosen by instagram celebrity guest judges (to be announced on a later date in order to protect their own safety) and will be announced once the contest ends. Images will be judged on concept, composition & overall level of fun (photoshopping in a Bobcat wouldn’t hurt either.
Good Luck everyone. The deadline is this Tuesday at midnight PST..Now go out there and get em’!”
LA Sweat and Team Dream Team teamed up to deliver yet another video showcasing the effectiveness of the Ass-Savers system. You ain’t gotta get wet… See more at Ass-Savers!
Team Dream’s Thin Stripe Fade jerseys went fast, so Sean opened up a pre-order with a late-August delivery. If you missed them the first round, now’s your chance. Head over to Team Dream Team for more information and ordering.
The Official Get Sick Day Worldwide Recap
Photos from a whole lotta folks and words by Sean Talkington
Think about what we use our personal or sick days for? Dumb stuff. Staying home sick (or if you have kids you stay home when they get sick), going to the doctor, going to the DMV, jury duty, visiting in-laws, funerals, etc. Question: What do all of these things have in common? The Answer: None of them are fun. Sure, you can schedule your vacation time around whatever events you want but what if you really just want or need a single day to get your head right? Can you just tell your boss “I think I am going to skip tomorrow and ride my bike locally all day with some buddies. Might do a little swimming too. Fuck it. Maybe even grab tacos after and watch the sunset.” Some of you have awesome bosses but the majority of us are afraid to take a day off for ourselves…
Photos by Sean Talkington
Los Angeles is a lotta fun and these two photosets from Sean at Team Dream Team have me pining to get back over to the (further) west side. Check out both photosets at the TDT Flickr 01 and 02.
I’ve never seen a John Tomac mashup! Don’t miss out on these Bartmac Shirts. Oh and there are sticker sheets too!
Less Strava, more Pizza. Make riding about the real reward: being able to eat pizza, guilt free. Buy the shirt, get the stickers, or just buy the stickers at Team Dream.
Photos by Ryan Wilson
Stripes. Team Dream loves stripes. Thin or thick, that’s what they do. It’s always been their thing and with the new Team Jersey and Compression Short V3, green and black look better than ever. Although the new Thin Stripe Fade jersey has my mind currently blown… Check out new stock NOW at Team Dream!
… guys, I’m not feeling so hot. I think I might need a day to rest. What ever will I do?
Quick question… Who deserves a day off work (for riding bikes)?
Answer- We All Do!
Thursday June 25th will be the first ever #GETSICKDAY where we are inviting everyone to call off work, shut down your computers and head out to ride bikes. If you don’t think your Boss is going to understand the need to dip out of the real world and into GNARnia for a little riding, well, we are taking a page out of Ferris Beuller Day Off with this one. Just call it in, because, we’re going to be out “getting sick” after all. He doesn’t have to know that it’s sick skids or sick trails or even a sick road ride. Just call in sick. You know you want to. Once you’ve got that pesky little bit out of the way, then scan the flyer for your local ride.
The first ride on a custom bike is one of the best feelings in the world. At least to cyclists. Every pedal stroke, every turn, you form the beginnings of a new relationship with a machine that will hopefully one day take you to your dream landscape or roadscape.
For Sean from Team Dream Team, his Stinner hardtail has been in a shop since Sea Otter, getting everything dialed in for riding. When your dream bike is the poster child for a company like Mavic, sometimes it comes down to the wire and “the functioning build” is actually more of a “photoshoot-ready build.”
Anyway I’m in LA, stressed from being on the road, shooting photos and trying to maintain sanity but on Monday, I cracked. I needed to ride. I too have a new MTB and I wanted to shake it down some mountains and splash some sand across its powdercoat. Sean and I dipped out on responsibility, in a fuck-work kind of way and pedaled our way up to Brown, to hit one of my favorite descents in the area, El Prieto.
It happened to be at sunset and guess what? It’s LA, the weather was perfect. The dirt was dry, the poison oak was parched but on-trail adjustments were made resulting in a perfect shred sled sess…
For the 2015 Sea Otter Classic this year, Mavic wanted to showcase a few influential designers as a platform to display their newly-branded and redesigned Crossmax SL Pro wheels. They contacted Sean Talkington of Team Dream Team who led them to Aaron Stinner of Stinner Frameworks and Jordan Low Custom Paint.
For Sean, he wanted a do-it-all 29’r hardtail, setup for minimal bike packing and everyday trail riding. For Chad, his 27.5″ hardtail is a straight-forward XC race machine. Once Aaron Stinner knew the silhouette, Sean began designing the frames. The resulting designs were inspired by 90’s era fluoro paint jobs, using Mavic’s signature yellow color as a starting point.
These two bikes were unveiled tonight at a Mavic event in Monterey, California on the first day of Sea Otter. Swing by their booth at #559 to see these beauts in person.
Photos by Sean Talkington
The last time I was in Los Angeles, Sean had his Yashica on a ride we did up the 2 one morning. It was the most epic I’ve ever seen that lonely highway and his photos really captured the mood. I love the shot of Kyle and the crow.
See the Full 36 Number 20 at Sean’s Flickr. Now what’s up with that jersey, Kyle?
Dream ér Stage Race Leaders Jersey
We all know Team Dream makes some great gear but this season’s drop has really raised the bar for the brand. With new jerseys, bibs, shirts, socks and accessories, there’s something for everyone, at any pricepoint. My personal favorites are the Thin Stripe and Dots Jerseys as well as the Thin Stripe Socks and the Chubby Bobcat Pocket T.
See more at Team Dream and check out the full collection below, including some of Jesse Carmody‘s rad photos!