
Swoop Tour 2013


Swoop Tour 2013

I love receiving emails that start with “you should do a video like this”. A reader sent this video over and it makes me want another touring bike very badly. Bicycling camping outside of your city is one of the best ways to spend your weekend.

Tuesday Teardown: Bosse-de-Nage – III


Tuesday Teardown: Bosse-de-Nage – III

It’s only by coincidence that this week’s Tuesday Teardown pick is also on Profound Lore. Hey, I’m a sucker for USBM and SF’s Bosse-de-Nage has been on my radar for the past year or so. While re-organizing some desktop material, I came up on their latest album that I never got around to listening to (cue my discussion on vinyl vs the digital junkspace that is MP3 music). Anyway, onto post-black metal, or as Bosse-de-Nage comes to call it, grey metal. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a suitable title for this band, as is post-hardcore and for that matter, I tend to think of USBM as a little ambiguous anyway.

Check out more Tuesday Teardown below!

Mike Martin’s Photos from All Chips on the Table


Mike Martin’s Photos from All Chips on the Table

Since I can’t make it out to every rad event that takes place in SF, It’s nice to have Mike Martin of Mash to offer up some choice photos from the The Bicycle Art & Design of Garrett Chow: All Chips on the Table gallery show and Cutty Cross race. This show looked amazing and these photos will serve the purpose of introducing you to Garrett’s work if you’re unfamiliar.

Also, don’t miss out on a few shots of Garrett’s Specialized Concept Venge road bike after the show photos.