

We Either Make It, Or We Don’t: Traversing Iceland on Fatbikes


We Either Make It, Or We Don’t: Traversing Iceland on Fatbikes

Below are a series of stories from a trip Gus Morton took across Iceland during winter on a fat bike with his friends Chris Burkard and Rebecca Rusch. They are reflections of what he was thinking and feeling in a particular moment and by no means an accurate account of the reality of any situation. Reflections which, as those present will likely attest, were probably far less dramatic.


The Rusch Mindset

From Laos to Idaho, ultra-endurance athlete and complete bad-ass rider Rebecca Rusch opens up about giving back to the sport that has given her so much.

5 Questions with Rebecca Rusch


5 Questions with Rebecca Rusch

Velocio recently sat down with Rebecca Rusch, the pro cyclist turned bicycle adventurer about her life, her career, and her aspirations in a 5-question format interview.

You’re an icon in the culture of riding and you have a committed following. How does the bike community inform your life and what are your goals for contributing to it in the future?

The bike community has become my tribe and provided more gifts in my life than I can list here. Through the bike, I’ve found the tool to fuel my curiosity, my wanderlust, my motivation, to form human connections and build a meaningful career. The bike is an iconic tool for exploration that is understood and embraced worldwide. I found my husband through the bike, my family, myself and my purpose.

There are some gems in there, so be sure to check it out at Velocio!


Blood Road

Rebecca Rusch has accomplished a hell of a lot in her career, and this film just adds to the depth of her story.

“Blood Road follows the journey of ultra-endurance mountain bike athlete Rebecca Rusch and her Vietnamese riding partner, Huyen Nguyen, as they pedal 1,200 miles along the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail through the dense jungles of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Their goal: to reach the crash site and final resting place of Rebecca’s father, a U.S. Air Force pilot shot down over Laos some 40 years earlier.

During this poignant voyage of self discovery, the women push their bodies to the limit while learning more about the historic ‘Blood Road’ they’re pedaling and how the Vietnam War shaped their lives in different ways.”

For more info, the digital download, and to find a screening near you, head over to Red Bull.