

Full Fingerflip Collective


Full Fingerflip Collective

It’s Sunday. That means it’s dude day. At least that’s what I found out when I bumped into “those guys” in Full Frame Collective. I remember riding skateboards out to jib spots when I was in middle school but of all the places to ride in SF, these dudes just thrashed a 4″ curb for two hours. Long enough for me to get sunburnt and catch a few flicks.

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Happy Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day

I would have never thought that my mom would send me this text message. Last winter, I got her a Surly Crosscheck and ever since, she’s been working her way up to longer rides. Yesterday, she sent this over. I’m so proud of her.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

SF Randomness By Day and Night


SF Randomness By Day and Night

Roll two from my last trip to SF was kinda all over the place. Terry from Full Frame Collective gave me a roll of expired HP5 and it ended up developing quite nicely. The photos enclosed in this gallery are as you’d expect from a weekend like RideNStyle. A lotta boozin’, late night cruizin’ and sightseeing. Enjoy.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

#FixieFamous Party at the Messenger Mansion


#FixieFamous Party at the Messenger Mansion

I really, honestly have very little recollection of this roll. Rather than deleting a bunch of photos, I’m putting them all up. Sorry Crihs. With everyone in town for RideNStyle, Chas decided to have a party at the Messenger Mansion. As expected, a ton of people showed up for the band and the booze but stayed for the shenanigans. This included drawing all over poor Jerome and throwing water balloons as we downed a bottle of Bookers.

As the night got out of hand, Chas relocated the party to Dolores where a highschool prom had apparently ended. The rest of the night was spent convincing girls in sequined dresses to fly down a metal slide on a skateboard. Yeah, blurry night.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

SF Photo Scraps


SF Photo Scraps

Scraps imply they’re the last photos from the trip and that’s not the case here. I’ve got a few more posts coming in from my recent trip to SF, these are just the ones that have no immediate home. Enjoy and check out the previous posts below!

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 04


SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 04

Today was my last full day in SF and I woke up to find my bike missing from the Messenger Mansion. I checked my phone to find a randsom from #FixieNinja, leading me to Bernal Heights. Crihs had been planning this “revenge” since I desecrated his bike last year, around this time. I got my bike, put the wheels back on and headed out for the day. After the Mash 1-Year Anniversary race (event coverage coming), we rolled to the park to soak in the sun. Nothing crazy, just a bit of people watching…

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 03


SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 03

It’s the last day before the #RideNStyle competition here in SF. I rolled out the the #fixiefamous crowd from the Mission, out to the Embarcadero to see the course and bumped into all the fixed freestyle guys. The following set is all over the place but there are some gems in there!

Click the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 02


SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 02

Read this post in a groggy, hungover tone. Yesterday, I kicked around town before the Red Bull event started. TCB Courier now delivers wine, so I witnessed their Dominican delivering to some yuppies and then the rest of the day just flew by, leading into the RideNStyle kickoff. Check out more below.

Click the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 01


SF #RideNStyle Weekend Randomness 01

Yes, it’s that time again. Randomness from the streets of SF in preparation for the 2012 Red Bull RideNStyle. Today I met up with Crihs, Marc, Em and Chas over in the Mission and rolled over to Mash to see Mike and Walton. It was unbelievably warm out and for the first time, I finally had a track bike in San Francisco. It’s been fun so far and here’s a photo dump to hold you over for a bit!

Click the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Back in SF: Sorry for the Lack of Updates


Back in SF: Sorry for the Lack of Updates

Hey guys, I’ve been kicking around with the usual suspects. Sorry for the lack of updates today. Expect some more posts soon! In the meantime, follow me on Instagram – JohnProlly – (or just go to the bottom of the site and check out the feed).

Get the Morning After Pill Delivered by Couriers in the UK


Get the Morning After Pill Delivered by Couriers in the UK

Touchdown! Well, maybe you weren’t gunning for that just yet.

DrEd, a British website that bills itself as “the online medical practice for everyone,” is launching an emergency contraception bike delivery service that promises to discreetly deliver the morning after pill to any London location within two hours for £20 — as the website points out, that’s “about £5 less than it would cost to walk into a pharmacy and order the morning after pill over the counter.””

Wow. See more at Jezebel.

Two Randoms


Two Randoms

Here are two random 35mms from the road here in Austin. The one of the tree was a gem. So eerie. And I wish I had taken that sign later that day…




At this point, I had traveled from Australia, to NAHBS, to NYC and had maybe slept in my bed in Austin two nights in three weeks. So what did I do? I went on a bender, starting with Benders, the best bar in SF. Then the rest of three days I was in town just got melted into half of a Recent Roll.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.