

Bali Randomness


Bali Randomness

This past week has been insanity. I can’t even describe how much fun we all had. Without rubbing it in too much, I’ll do my best to hit the main points. We got put up in an amazing villa, at the top of a range, surrounding Bali. We rented scooters, Ryan and I got lost. Really lost. Like 35km outside of town lost. Then we spent our days, kicking around town and finally, we visited the Monkey Forest. Tyler got bit on the thumb, sending him to a clinic, while the rest of us perused the local shops.

Our last day was spent at Dreamland Beach, where I almost drowned (long story) and now, we’re back in Jakarta for a few hours before I leave to head back to the States.

This trip would not have been possible without Rocket Company and their hospitality. For that, I am truly grateful and I cannot thank them enough. While I’m flying, enjoy the Bali Randomness below…

Jakarta Randomness 03


Jakarta Randomness 03

There’s only one way to beat the Jakarta heat: POOL PARTY!

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Jakarta Randomness 02


Jakarta Randomness 02

Let me just preface this Photoset by saying this was the most sketched out I’ve ever been riding around with my camera on me. Ever. Jakarta’s traffic is best described as Intra Chaos, or order within chaos. There are no traffic laws, just thousands of scooters, busses and cars that somehow move and shift into place. The best metaphor would be schools of fish, effortlessly flowing together in the ocean. With all the madness, there’s still an understanding of space and a respect for all vehicles.

We woke up this morning and rode to breakfast. After refueling, we took off and tore around the city. It really was amazing and these photos don’t even begin to touch how incredible riding a brakeless track bike is in this city.

Tonight is the official Fixed Fest opening party, put on by Rocket Company

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My 4th of July


My 4th of July

Like everyone else today, I can barely function. Each year, the 4th of July proves to be a great time. I’ve yet to blow off any digits, or shoot my eye out and so far, the only damage has been to my bank account. I spent the afternoon at our local digs, the Yellow Jacket Social Club and enjoyed the festivities. Dogs, dudes, babes, beer, bourbon and a lotta randomness ensued. Check it out below and if you have any cool photos from your afternoon, share them in the comments.

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Fairdale: Bobby’s Bee Story


Fairdale: Bobby’s Bee Story

We’ve all had an encounter with a bee while riding a bike. I got stung last week on our Cloud Burst ride and just recently, Bobby from Full Factory Distribution got a little more than he bargained for. Read up on the story and check out more of Taj’s killer illustrations at Fairdale.

This Bike Share is a Pipe Bomb


This Bike Share is a Pipe Bomb

The Gothamist has a story up about how neighbors feel that the new Citibike share program will encourage terrorists to target the UN and various other international hubs in the area. I usually don’t post this kind of ridiculousness but the thought that someone would turn this hunk of shit into a bomb and attack a Federal building just strikes me as real-life-comedy. Seriously, this is out of an SNL skit… Read up here.

Recent Roll: Jens Voigt @thejensie Loves His Fans


Recent Roll: Jens Voigt @thejensie Loves His Fans

If there is any professional road racer that absolutely loves his fans, it’s Jens Voigt. I mean, the man is wearing a Twitter shirt! @thejensie stopped and posed for every fan and smiled as they pulled out their cameras, ourselves included. Then he even stuck around and listened to our drunken banters about cycling and how important he is to the sport. Gah, hats off to this man.

Check out more below.

King Dude at the Parish


King Dude at the Parish

Last night my buddy TJ came into town to play in his band King Dude. It had been a few years since I’ve seen him perform and in that time, the band has gone from its solo, neofolk roots to more Americana-influenced (and dark) folk band. Nothing like death ballads to liven up an audience! And yet seeing the crowd’s reception was impressive. As always, hanging with old friends is a great way to spend the weekend. Check out TJ’s clothing label Actual Pain and King Dude’s music here.

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Party Time on Mt. Baldy


Party Time on Mt. Baldy

My absolute favorite day of the #ATOC was the Mt. Baldy stage. We woke up, rode to the first KOM and hung out all afternoon in the blazing sun. After shouting and being utter jackasses all day, we took off down the descent. What a day!

While I was shooting on the top of the Rapha Mobile Cycle Club, I passed my T4 off to Jeremy Dunn, who assisted in the KOM shots. Thanks to Jeremy for getting some of the action and thanks to everyone who made that day so rad.

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Tony Fast’s Lens – Austin Fun


Tony Fast’s Lens – Austin Fun

I’ve been enjoying Tony Fast’s Disposable series he’s been doing on his Tumblr and so when he was planning on coming back to Austin to hang out this month, I made sure he shot a few cameras for me. Don’t expect any epic freestyle or craziness. This was a good, chill time and at the same time, a great glimpse into how we cope with the Texas heat all summer. Ride, swim, eat, drink, repeat.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Watch Some Videos


Watch Some Videos

… while I sort through a week’s worth of emails, Tweets, Facebook messages and other content. I love being on the road but playing catch up is no fun! We’ll start off with a RideNStyle video from Zlog. Check out more below.