I love it when brands look to nature for inspiration. These new ORNOT socks looked northwest to Mount Tamalpais. Scoop a pair up at ORNOT.

I love it when brands look to nature for inspiration. These new ORNOT socks looked northwest to Mount Tamalpais. Scoop a pair up at ORNOT.
ORNOT’s made in California line is expanding just in time for fall riding and cross racing. In stock now are their new Blue Line jersey and limited edition Team Skinsuit. Both of which are looking very sharp.
In a response to that Rapha & Team Sky: The Little Things – Rice Cakes video, SF Composite‘s mtb team made a parody with ORNOT featuring everyone’s favorite gas station delight, the corn dog. This is too good… and for what it’s worth, it’s a playful parody, no harm intended!
I had no idea Matt from Ornot was taking video with his RX100 the whole time we were riding Up the Devil’s Ass. You’ll see all the party boyz and girlz of cycling in this one.
And if you missed my ride photos from this rad day, check them out at Riding Dirty Up the Devil’s Ass.
California-based cycle wear company Ornot was recently at one of the Bay Area Super Prestige races and shot a great video recap. I love how orderly races like this appear, it’s like everyone has a place in queue as they race. Check out some photos from the event here.