Oh man, those two globe-trotting, flash bulb firing, brilliant minds over at Manual for Speed really did it this time:
“Do you dream? Of course you do, who doesn’t? But how often do your dreams come true? They’re just dreams after all. Have you ever thought, “Hey, I am sick and tired of my dreams just being dreams? I want these dreams to be a reality, but how could I possibly do it?” You have to want it, you have to understand it, and then you have to REACH FOR THE DREAM!
And we’re here to help. That’s right; you want to make that magical-rainbow-laser-unicorn-tropical-island-melting-clocks-brilliant-light-bouncing-off-of-the-floors-hyper-everything bike of your dreams a reality? We know how! With our proven process you can have that bike of your dreams, so join Manual for Speed and special guest Kanye West as we walk you through the necessary steps to making all your dreams come true.”
Check out the full story at Manual for Speed, pick up some unique MFS custom goods at their web shop and see more of the custom Speedvagen and Argonaut road bikes below. Seriously, I want one of those fly-ass Mike Cherney stem caps!