

Surly Party Bike


Surly Party Bike

When I was in Brooklyn, this Surly Steamroller caught my eye one morning. The “battleship grey” models were my favorites and I always wanted one. This was before they got rid of the curvy stays and went onto the “poop brown” color that I had. Surly Steamrollers are still, to this day one of the best street fixed gears you can buy. Big tires, set up perfectly for SS CX and tough as hell.

This one however, was perfection. Gold Campagnolo BMX cranks, townie bars, big tires and from the looks of the empty Corona bottle, it’s an ideal party bike. Unfortunately, a rather surly truck driver parked in front of it before I could get a better shot of the pista cranks but so it goes.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.