As far as collaboration jerseys are concerned, this one looks great and the entire kit ain’t too shabby either. Tokyo Fixed and Morvélo pulled together one rad cycling kit, which is now available on the Morvélo site. Check out the full kit here.

As far as collaboration jerseys are concerned, this one looks great and the entire kit ain’t too shabby either. Tokyo Fixed and Morvélo pulled together one rad cycling kit, which is now available on the Morvélo site. Check out the full kit here.
Andy from Fyxomatosis has the best designer: himself. The man has an eye for classics, and his newest kits reflect that. Now if he’d only ship me some meat pies…
Pick up the new FYXO kits here!
Photos by Kyle Kelley
Josh’s Geekhouse Mudville is such a rad bike. It was one of my favorite race machines during the SSCXWC in Los Angeles. He reps the Geekhouse with pride, including the Razzle Dazzle kits. Today is the last day to pre-order one of those too, SO GET ON IT!
When Kyle first made his Save the Track Bike! buttons for the 2010 NAHBS, I doubt he thought it’d take off like it has. For 2013, he’s working on a few STTB products and while I was in LA, I took a few photos of them. The kit looks great and the musette ain’t too shabby either. More info to come…
I’m in LA this week and while I’m here, I’ll be handing over the money to Endo Customs for the Necronomicog kits. The pre-sale ends Saturday! So hurry up and book yours now because I won’t be making these again. Reserve yours today at the PiNP web shop.
Who remembers when I used to post about Razzle Dazzle camouflage back in the day? Hell, that was the old Blogspot days… Anyway, Adria Klora from Golden Saddle Cyclery designed these kick-ass team kits for Geekhouse this season and you can now pre-order them for yourself. Made in LA by Endo Customs, they’ll last for seasons to come. Check out all the details here, at Geekhouse.
The ENDO Customs-made Necronomicog kits pre-order will be ending soon. The end of November, to be exact. So hurry up and book yours now because I won’t be making these again. Reserve yours today at the PiNP web shop.
That is not dead which can eternal ride! Summon the power of the Necronomicog while you tear through the streets or the blackened forests on your hell steed. These high-quality, race cut kits are made in Los Angeles by ENDO Customs. Pick up the bibs here for $135, the jersey for $115 and the arm / knee warmers for $75 at the PiNP Web Shop.
This is a pre-order. Expect shipments to arrive early January.
Pre-order is open until the end of November.
Everyone was way into the Poler skinsuits by ENDO last year, and now’s your chance to pick up the kit in either black or green Furry Camo. Here are the details:
“The Poler Camo Cycling kit is now available for pre-order. Order either Green or Black today and get it in time for Christmas. Great gift for your significant other, complete stranger, or yourself. Made in USA by Endo Customs. SOLD AS A COMPLETE SET with jersey, bibs, and armwarmers in green or black Furry Camo.
$300 bucks gets you the set, email to reserve yours. Pre-order is only open till Friday November 9th, 2012. After Friday these fine kits will not be available to the masses for sometime. ”
Just ordered mine. Stoked!
It’s getting cooler and cooler each day so make sure your arms and legs stay warm with these Endo Customs made arm and leg warmers from City Grounds.
iMinus D’s got a ton of new product up in their web shop, including these new Champion kits. Check out all the offerings here. These do look damn good.
You’ve gotta appreciate creative marketing like this from Cadence, promoting their Elite Kits.
In case you didn’t notice, Cadence has a few new jersey offerings for sale. These high-quality Capo-made kits are perfect for the Autumn months when paired with the Cadence arm warmers. Pick up a red, blue and black jersey here and black here.
So yesterday, I rode the dragon toward the crimson eye and opened up Illustrator to finally design the Necronomicog jersey that everyone’s been bugging me about. Since posting a few teasers up on Instagram, I’ve gotten a ton of emails asking for more details. So here you go.
As it stands now, Endo will be making me a sample kit to wear. Once I’m 100% sold on the design, I’ll open up a pre-order. This will be the standard pre-order with a pre-season lead time. The main difference is, I’ll ONLY have it open for a week, to ensure it doesn’t take too long to produce. This will take place in exactly two weeks, so put some money aside. YES you will be able to order just the jersey too.
In the next few weeks, there will be a series of product drops, coinciding with my new Webshop and PiNP v2.2. Expect some rad, Made in the USA products, including wool jerseys, collaborations, the introduction to the Purple Label goods and a few other surprises. Regarding the kit, don’t worry, I’ll give everyone plenty of time to prepare for the pre-order. It won’t be like my stickers…
Photo by Steve Anderson
If you’ve been following this blog for the past 6 years, you’ve seen me mention Razzle camouflage multiple times and if there is one cross team that could pull off a Razzle-inspired skinsuit during cross season, it’d have to be Geekhouse. Of course it takes an exceptional designer to pull it off, precedents and all. That’s why Marty enlisted Adria Klora to tackle the team kits this year, who also did the Golden Saddle Cyclery kits. ENDO‘s getting to produce some rad stuff this year!
All this Geekhouse razzle is coming to a race near you, just try to not stare directly into them or you’ll crash into a tree.
Garrett did a great job on the 2013 MASH kits. I doubt they’ll be in stock for long, so head over and swoop!
Photos by Tom Robertson
Not only are those my favorite Jawbones, but these kits aint bad either. It seems everything Mr. Ferencz touches is gold. This ‘cross season, FairEnds has teamed up with LA based Endo Customs to produce one kick-ass kit.
FairEnds celebrates Columbia’s national colors, and FairEnds partner Martin Carvajal’s native home with these lightweight kits that will look even better covered in mud and beer foam. Yeah, sweat too. Scoop a jersey up here and the bibs, here.
Because you should be spending your time riding and boozing this weekend, GSC have extended their kit pre-order until Monday. Get your riding in but save your pennies because this is the last pre-order ever on these rad kits.