

The Ned Ludd Market Bike


The Ned Ludd Market Bike

One of my favorite projects at the 2012 NAHBS was this Ira Ryan-fabricated Ned Ludd Market Bike. I met Jason in Sacramento and heard most of what he says here in this video over tacos at Steve Rex‘s spot one night. Jason’s a passionate individual and seeing this project get some much-deserved attention has got to be inspirational. Exceptional!

More on those Tanner bags tomorrow.

Master King Throwback 2000


Master King Throwback 2000

No one can deny that the NYC bike messenger is responsible for the recent boom in the track bike. Check out this video, called Get the Message, featuring Kid, Squid and others. It’s great to see these guys are still cranking away and this is from 2000. I can’t wait to be back in New York next week.

Thanks for sharing Wilis.

Track Shack


Track Shack

Axel sent over some recent videos he worked on while in film school and my favorite was this profile on a local shop in Denver called Track Shack. Check it out and see more of Axel’s work here.