

Indonesia: An Island Paradise but Not as You Know It


Indonesia: An Island Paradise but Not as You Know It

Cocktails at the beach, world-renowned surf, and luscious ride patty fields. Great food, friendly people and a getaway from the hustle and bustle that is ‘Western Life.’ Sounds like a dream right? Well, it is…BUT, what if there was more? If I was to tell you that in addition to the above, this same destination was home to some of the most beautiful climbs on the face of the planet? What if there were wild monkeys swinging from above as you rode beneath the forest canopy on roads so perfect in places, that even the best roads of the first world would be put to shame. To be honest, even in writing this I excite my own senses from within. Sami Sauri and I have just spent 10 days exploring the islands of Bali and East Java on bike and can confirm that the above oasis does in-fact exists. It’s not a magical place from our dreams, but rather a short 2.5hr flight from Perth Western Australia. Paradise does exist, but not as you know it…


Surfing Trails in Bali

Footpaths, trails, tracks. All of which have existed since humanity dropped the nomadic life and began developing lands. Leave it to the bicycle for being the most exhilarating form of exploration. Even in a place like Bali…




I’m still kinda buzzing from my time in Indonesia and these photos from my T4 in Jakarta aren’t helping. Riding around a city like this, with 20 people can be a bit nerve-wrecking at times but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun. We all had a blast and as these photos show, were smiling ear to ear the whole time.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

See You in Jakarta at Fixed Fest!


See You in Jakarta at Fixed Fest!

So I’m heading out for the airport in a few minutes, en route to Jakarta for Fixed Fest! Unless I have wifi on the plane, this will be the last post until I’ve landed, so why not stroll through the Photosets or better yet, ride your bike.

I made this modified Flag Hatchet of the Indonesian flag and I’ll have a few prizes to give out, but most importantly, I can’t wait to ride with everyone and experience the Indonesian culture!

See you on the other side.

Vuurtoren is Raidô


Vuurtoren is Raidô

I wanna see some Strava or something for this ride because it looks pretty damn tough based on the riders’ expressions. This Vuurtoren ride looks pretty epic. That’s Raidô though isn’t it? But seriously, let’s see the whole video!

I can’t help but think of Sarke’s “Vorunah” when I read the video title here.