

In Stock: Yonder Journal Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent Book


In Stock: Yonder Journal Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent Book

Getting out and doing a big ride is a bit easier when you’ve got a cue sheet and great photos to help you along the way. The Yonder Journal Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent Book is just that. Over 30 pages of absolutely stunning photographs taken during the ride and a official Brovet card so you can earn your patch. Whether or not you do the ride is entirely up to you…

Pick up one of these high-quality, printed books at the PiNP Web Shop for $15 shipped in the US and $20 shipped internationally, for a limited time only.

Introducing Yonder Journal: Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent

Pre-Order the Tracko Kits!


Pre-Order the Tracko Kits!

A back to back Tracko post? This one’s worth it.

Kyle just posted this pre-order notice for his new Endo Customs-made Tracko kits up on Instagram. I don’t usually wear a kit when I ride my track bike, but I don’t care. I’m ordering one anyway. This dude is largely responsible for the popularity of track bikes and his site has been a favorite of mine, since forever (sorry Andy, yours is too!). Everything he touches turns to gold and unlike those Ramblin Rolls, there’s enough of these kits to go around.

Pre-order the Tracko kits until February 28th here.

Safe Travels, Partna’


Safe Travels, Partna’

Vacations in Austin are rad. Both for my visitors and for myself. I get to show my friends around town, go on rides, eat good food and in doing so, we all get to relax a bit. Having your blog shit the bed the day before you leave town is stressful and owning a bike shop is even more stressful but I think Kyle had a great time in Texas.

Expect lots of 35mm shots and stories to be told over the next few weeks here on the site.

Safe travels!

LA Night Ride


LA Night Ride

No trip to Los Angeles is complete without at least one night ride with the Golden Saddle Cyclery guys. During my last visit, Dave, Kyle, Ty, Ace, Jeff from All City and I went out on a Griffith ride, through the hills and up to the Hollywood sign for some beverages. At that point in the trip, we were all toast, especially Jeff, who had just come off a 24 hour flu. At least he got some more photos to use for the #partybrand that is All-City

As “hoody hooooo” echoed through the night, we rolled home along the bike path.

Introducing Yonder Journal: Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent


Introducing Yonder Journal: Brovet 01 – Old Ridge Road Permanent

I love it when projects like this pop up and everyone involved are damn talented individuals. Introducing Yonder Journal, a project by Daniel Wakefield Pasley and Emiliano Granado. Without saying too much more, here’s the first installment of Yonder Journal: Brovet 01, Old Ridge Road Permanent.

“We like to think of ourselves as Cultural Anthropologists, armed with cameras and notebooks, compelled into the field to explore, document, digest and publish a lasting and meaningful record of our experiences there.

Yonder Journal will be a series of Briefs, Guides, and Studies that endeavor to understand and relate American Frontiers and Western Principles.”

“Today, we begin with our first of many Studies – Brovet. Inspired by the world of Randonneuring (long distance cycling), Brovet is a Guide book to American Permanents (predetermined routes) that aims to inspire, entertain, and inform.”

Click here to download the Official Cue Sheet and Brovet Card. Print the instructions and ride the ride using the turn-by-turn instructions therein. Complete the Brovet Card provided and send it to Yonder Journal to receive your Official Brovet Patch. More details inside. See more in the Gallery above!


Golden Saddle Cyclery: Cap Restock


Golden Saddle Cyclery: Cap Restock

Miss the caps earlier this week? Here’s why:

“Trust me, we were as surprised as you.  On Tuesday we put up 100 Golden Saddle Cyclery and Intelligenstia caps inthe web-store and they sold out in 6 hours.  That’s the bad news but here’s the good news…yesterday on a visit to Pace Sportswear for other business, I saw a pile of these caps that had been sewn preemptively.  Long story short, I grabbed them, all 200 of them and now they’re on the Golden Saddle Cyclery web-store.  Because of this we probably won’t be remaking these caps anytime soon.  So if you want one I’d probably get on it.”

Pick up one here! Thanks Tracko, I know people love these things.

Kyle’s All-City Nature Boy Zona


Kyle’s All-City Nature Boy Zona

There are two people I will always claim as an early inspiration for PiNP: Andy from FYXO and Kyle from Tracko. These two have become some of my best friends and while their blogs both tote track bike-inspired names, it’s clear that they have embraced all forms of cycling over the years.

Kyle in particular has some very stringent requirements when it comes to products he’ll use and bikes he’ll own. He’s a big advocate of made in the USA bicycles, so I was surprised when I saw him riding the All-City Nature Boy Zona, especially when he has a perfectly fine Kelly SS CX. The reasoning? He loves the way it rides and supports All-City’s #partybrand ideals. Or something…

Heal Up Woody


Heal Up Woody

Woody, co-owner of Golden Saddle Cyclery, National track champion, actual US Olympic team mechanic and just all around good dude was recently hurt while mountain biking in Sedona, Arizona.

This post is dedicated to putting a smile on your local shop mechanic’s face. So make sure you tip! It doesn’t even have to be money, the gift of a cupcake, a beer, a coffee, or even a bottle of booze will make even the surliest of mechanics smile. I don’t want to ignite a Reservoir Dogs debate, I just want to let you know that they appreciate it!

In the meantime, let’s send Woody some good wishes. He’s all broken. Read up more at GSC.

Miss ya buddy.

Total Randomness


Total Randomness

November and December have been a lot busier than I anticipated. Usually, it’s my time to get back into a daily routine of riding, riding, riding but I found myself traveling more and more these past few weeks. This Recent Roll is a series of snapshots taken in Portland, Austin and Los Angeles during that time. Shot with my Contax G2 and Kodak E100VS. Enjoy.

Gan Well Pro Track


Gan Well Pro Track

It’s not everyday that you see a gorgeous Gan Well Pro track bike rolling on the streets of LA. Maybe 5 years ago, but not today. So when the owner of this beauty walked it into Golden Saddle Cyclery, I had to take it out for some photos. Nitto everything, Suntour hubs, Dura Ace cranks and a well-used perforated Flite. More of this please!

*Unfortunately, the owner has to sell it, so if you’re in the market, call GSC for pricing. Please, serious inquiries only!

Christian and His SKYLMT FGFS


Christian and His SKYLMT FGFS

Christian from Golden Saddle Cyclery is one of the raddest kids I know. He’s a hard worker, smart and a real ripper when it comes to FGFS. Even though Kyle and I give him constant shit, truth be told, we’re both damn impressed with his character and work ethic.

Before I left town, I went around the corner from the shop to shoot some photos of his SKYLMT, along with a few shots of this gap he hits with ease. Check them out!