

Trail Dogs are the Best!


Trail Dogs are the Best!

Words by Morgan Taylor

There’s nothing like getting rubber side up in the woods with your buds, two legs or four. My dog Denver shreds just as hard, if not harder than me, and will stay 6″ off my wheel even in the dustiest conditions. All with a smile on his face. Here’s to the loam eating, corner shredding, stick chasing dogs of the trail! (PS: the Ice Cream Truck is now 27.5+… update soon!)

The Life and Times of Shop Dog Stella


The Life and Times of Shop Dog Stella

Life’s tough when your day-to-day routine consists of a few behaviors, both innate and learned. For Stella, the resident shop dog at Golden Saddle Cyclery in Los Angeles, her mornings usually start out with a nap in the morning sun, followed by the inevitable first run to the corner store snack begging session, a quick piss in the alley, then more begging before greeting the afternoon clientele’s ascension to the back alley bench.

From there, it’s beg relentlessly for food to no avail, back to napping (this time in the middle of the doorway), maybe a sniff or a scoff here or there when you try to pet her, before finally scoring an avocado chip or a loose pepperoni. Yeah, for Stella, it’s all about sniffing messenger bags, licking sweaty legs and cold lamping on a chilly Los Angeles springtime afternoon… Until the next pair of unsuspecting legs waltz through the door of the shop.

Here’s to the cold lampin’ shop dogs.

Introducing… Morgan Taylor


Introducing… Morgan Taylor

Have you ever considered whittling your collection down to a single bike? Of course you have – we all have. For the better part of a decade I’ve owned more bikes than there are days in the week, with spare parts for all of them. Getting rid of all but one? Unthinkable. Which one of a carefully curated fleet, each with its own merits and reasons for being, would make the best all-rounder? Which would be your “one bike”?

This idea of downsizing and simplifying has been a theme for me this year. In July, after months of preparation, my girlfriend and I packed our lives and our dog into our two cars and moved to a 227 square foot cabin deep in the Selkirk Mountains of southeastern British Columbia. Like many, we’d been dreaming of living in the wilderness, but this was it. Living the dream, right?

Colorado Road Trippin’ – Jeff Frane


Colorado Road Trippin’ – Jeff Frane

Colorado Road Trippin’
Words and photos by Jeff Frane

Hello, it’s me Jeffrey Gene Frane of Bike Jerks and All-City. This is the first time John’s let me infiltrate the Radavist with my ramblings and photos, although he insisted that I let him edit the photos, something about dropping out the cyan or some such. It stung at first, but I can see how my iPhoto skillz may not be up to par for such a fine site as this…

Splatter Somec Road with Dura Ace 7400


Splatter Somec Road with Dura Ace 7400

Man, the Italians knew how to paint a bike. Rides like this will forever have a soft spot in any cyclist’s heart. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to bikes, or a seasoned, life-long rider. There’s something about a splatter paint job, a neon palette and vintage Dura Ace that just screams style.

I’m in Melbourne and staying with FYXO during the Melburn Roobaix, which is like having a museum of classic steeds at your disposal to ride and photograph.

Since the Eroica Britannia, I’ve been hankering for a classic steel road bike, scouring forums, eBay and the local Craigslist. Once I arrived at the FYXO HQ, I saw this bike and asked one question: you selling this? To which Andy replied “mate, everything has a price.”

It’s tempting… Columbus Extra Legger tubing, Dura Ace 7400, clearance for a 28c tire and yes, that paint job. It might be the vintage bike I’ve been looking for. What do you think?

Ride Along: Jeremy and Piper from America Y’all


Ride Along: Jeremy and Piper from America Y’all

Way back when I lived in Brooklyn and was helping out Mishka with their D.A.R.T. line, this guy Jeremy emails me, asking about supporting he and his lady’s (now wife) forthcoming bicycle tour – any relationship that survives a cross-country bicycle tour is bound for marriage…

We sent them some gear and they took off on their journey across the US. Years later, I’m sitting in a bar here in Austin and up walks Jeremy, introduces himself and now I see him scooting around town on his Surly Pacer.

Jeremy started a blog with his wife called America Y’all and they spend their weekends exploring the parks surrounding the Austin area. Last week, I caught up with him at the Wright Bros Brew & Brew and shot some photos of him and his mutt, Piper. Check out some Ride Along questions below!

Go Home!


Go Home!

They always come at inopportune times. Say you’re putting your phone back in your pocket, or eating a snack, not paying attention. Maybe they’re waiting for you at the top of a climb, or, even worse, at the bottom of a descent. Roadside dogs aren’t exactly what I like to have accompanying me on rides. Especially big ones.

We’ve all got our tricks. A water bottle squirt, or yelling “GO HOME!” – this one works quite well – unless you’re in a foreign country.

This guy however had one thing on his mind: wheels. He didn’t let up until he was good and tired…

The Minneapolis River Bottoms on Fatbikes


The Minneapolis River Bottoms on Fatbikes

Warning: this post contains the bane of everyone’s existence this winter – snow. I apologize and promise to bring warm vibes from here on out. Seriously.

I absolutely love riding my Pugsley around Austin. Both on and off-road, it’s been a blast and the number one question I get is: “what’s that bike for?”. My answer “snow”… This causes a look of puzzlement on their faces. There’s no snow in Texas! Naturally, but it’s still fun to motor around town and hit some trails.

Riding a fatbike in the snow is something I’ve yet to do, so when Jeff told me to stay a few days longer after Frostbike, I brought my Pugs and threw on some platform pedals. Our first stop (and as it turns out, only stop) was the River Bottoms. Kyle and I had been there before with Jeff, in the summer months and I was eager to see how much it had changed after the all snow and freezing temps.

We kitted up in waterproof fabrics and wool, set our PSI to around 8 and 10, brought some snacks and of course, Baroo, Jeff’s Basenji / Red Heeler mix trail dog… What happened next was a mix of riding and an “Adventure by Hike”.

From Sun to Snow


From Sun to Snow

Man, two weeks ago I was riding in sunny Los Angeles, then sunny Austin and now, I’m in the single digits, wrapped up in warm clothes and finally, riding my fatbike in its natural habitat. Today we rode the riverbottoms (again) but this time, there was a bit more #AdventurebyHike. More to come but I just wanted to gloat about being cold…

Minneapolis River Bottom Riding on the Surly Krampus


Minneapolis River Bottom Riding on the Surly Krampus

Look, I love the ‘wood and I love dirt. I’d rather spend six hours in the woods than three on sealed road. Why? It’s more fun. Especially when you find yourself on a 29+ MTB like a Surly Krampus (don’t worry, there’s a review coming). On one of my last days in Minneapolis, Jeff, Kyle and I rode the “River Bottoms” with Baroo, Jeff’s dog.

We took it at a chill pace, messed around on obstacles and stopped for the photo opps… Then, Kyle sprained his ankle and Baroo got overheated (90 degrees in Minneapolis is HOT).

I have to admit, in the 25 miles we rode, I had so much fun riding in the ‘wood with my mates. See for yourself in the narrated Gallery!

Minneapolis Randomness 02


Minneapolis Randomness 02

I really, really had a blast in Minneapolis. As a by-product of running this site, I always have a camera on me. Unfortunately for some people, that means I am usually catching them doing something idiotic. Fortunately for you, it’s quite funny to see some of that behavior unfold.

What you’ll fine within this narrated Gallery is only part of some of the stories to be told here on the site at a later date. Most of these photos involve the following: bros, babes, Baroo, beaches, bikes, beer and bourbon. Simple enough right? Check out more in the Gallery!

Recent Roll: Levi Gold


Recent Roll: Levi Gold

This is Levi Gold, Benny Gold‘s French bulldog. He’s kind of a big deal to the internet and he knows how to lay on the puppy points when there’s a track bike around… While I finish cataloging all my film from my trip to SF, you can stare into his big sappy eyes as he basks in the sunny spot at the Benny Gold warehouse.

Rider Portrait: Lindsey and Bucket


Rider Portrait: Lindsey and Bucket

Yesterday after I got done shooting one of Chas’ bikes, we were about to roll home when Lindsey stopped at the top of a hill and I snapped this photo. I really miss having a dog! More on these two later…

Chas’ Mash Cinelli Prototype Track


Chas’ Mash Cinelli Prototype Track

Two years ago, Chas and Walton from MASH sat down with the designers at Cinelli in Italy to work on the next track frame. After years of riding track bikes both on the street and in races, the two of these athletes knew exactly what they wanted. The end product was something unlike any track bike Cinelli has made before: a mixture of new technology with performance and practicality in mind.

Last year at Interbike, Cinelli handed over two of the prototypes, which were spraypainted with Montana outside Mash’s flagship store in SF (in fact, you can still see blue and green overspray all over the sidewalk). Chas’ green track bike has traveled the world and seen its share of the fast n loose riding lifestyle. It’s been in multiple Red Hook Crits and bombed the streets of SF and NYC alike.

The most noticeable difference in this frame, versus the older MASH frames include a tapered fork and head tube for added stiffness and proprietary hydroformed Columbus tubing. A level top tube and traditional track geometry add a confident stance to this bike’s profile. In short: the Mash team is very happy with their work and with new paint samples on the way, I had to shoot photos of this bike while it was still built up….

Many thanks to Chas and Lindsey for recommending the sunset bike shoot location and Bucket for showing his appreciation.