
FBM: Currency


FBM: Currency

How stoked was I to see this on FBM’s blog today? It’s not everyday that you see a Helm of Awe Viking shirt in the wild, especially with such a rad group of dudes. Crandall wrote up something on the blog about currency and how times with your friends riding bikes is better than anything money can buy:

“Currency is typically defined as money, dollars, whathaveyou…something that represents value, something you can trade.

I just spent the past 3 weeks in a van with much of the FBM crew traveling the States, visiting friends, riding spots, meeting new friends, sharing good times, etc…

For us the price of a gallon a gas was often more than we spent on meals, eating ramen noodles, store brand soup out of a can, sleeping at friends houses, in parking lots, on the ground, in the van, on a couch.

On this trip the currency was the generosity of good people, our friends, sharing their spots, their floors, their coffee, sometimes a tube to fix a flat tire, sometimes a home cooked meal and shower, and all the time, sharing their awesomeness with us. In return all our friends asked for, without saying anything, was a smile, and a hi five, to the tune of a clicking freewheel or the click and pop of a can opening.

Thanks to everyone we caught up with, for the good times, and the reminder that one of the most valuable commodities is friendship!”

Amen brother. Check out more AWESOME photos from FBM’s recent trip here on the blog. Bummed I missed you guys!

Defgrip: Bohie Palecek Wallpaper


Defgrip: Bohie Palecek Wallpaper

Defgrip mentioned something last month about seeking artists to do wallpaper for their site, prompting Australia’s  Bohie Palecek to hop on it. This is sick. So much alchemist symbolism in this one. Also, the Aussies love their “hoop snakes”, which we call Ouroboros. Pick up higher-res versions here, for FREE at Defgrip.