It’s great seeing the Red Hook Crit gain recognition like full article in the NY Times. Head over and check it out.

It’s great seeing the Red Hook Crit gain recognition like full article in the NY Times. Head over and check it out.
As a cyclist, living in Austin, people want to know what I think about the whole Lance Armstrong doping scandal. Just today, I was asked by three unrelated people on the street after I finished up a ride. “Well what do you have to say about Armstrong?”. It’s a tough question to answer. Austin is Lance’s home town and his name is just about everywhere you look. He’s done a lot for cycling here. But do I like him? No. Not at all.
If he were a good person, I’d feel bad for him. But he’s not. He’s a lying, arrogant, egomaniac who ruined the credibility of American cycling (and cycling in general) in order to push his career. So for that, I don’t like the man and I feel bad for his teammates that refused to dope, for being dragged into this whole scandal. His legacy is false and we all believed in him!
Side note: should be left out of this argument. Don’t confuse it with What I will say is that while was founded by Lance, they’ve proven to be one of the best things to happen to cancer patients and for that, I’ll commend them. It was wise to ask him to step down. But the lines between .com and the .org tend to be blurry at times.
Now I’m sure people have mixed feelings about this whole scandal and his interview with Oprah but when will we hear the end of it?
When cycling gets coverage in major media outlets, we’re used to see pieces on reckless riding or a death. Not this time. The LA Times has a great feature on Wolfpack Hustle up on their site and if reading ain’t you’re thing, there’s even a video. Check it out here.
While a lot of companies are trying to cash in on Premium Rush with horrid “fixies”, Affinity was the company that supplied the movie with the bikes. To commemorate this weekend’s premiere, Affinity has a limited supply of Premium Rush Affinity Metropolitan completes. Here’s the press-release:
“With the upcoming release of the movie Premium Rush, The Affinity Bicycle Co. has played a key role and supplied its Metropolitan and Kissena frame sets for the main character Wilee played by Joseph Gordon Levitt and Kym Perfetto, a NYC bike messenger and fitness guru who has a cameo and also worked as a stunt double for co star Dania Ramirez.
The Affinity Metropolitan ridden by Wilee is a street and track specific bike made from 4130 steel and created to handle to rigors of street riding but with the aggressive race geometry of a track bike. Unlike its predecessor the Lo Pro, Affinity’s first and more notable pursuit style track frame, the Metropolitan is a more understated work horse, with its stream lined look and straight blade fork. It comes street ready with front and rear brake options, making it legal on the road or pull the brakes off for use on the velodrome.
Catch the Metropolitan limited edition frame set in pure white, with the classic Affinity bladed crown lugged fork. Also available in limited quantities, Affinity will be supplying an original sticker pack. Make your bike rad by customizing the frame so its just like the movie bike.”
Check out more photos below and be sure to check the Affinity Blog for info on the group ride to the premiere.
Mmmmmm. Yeah, I’ll go see it. Mostly to see Austin and Tom riding on the big screen.
Premium Rush, the movie that used both Austin Horse and Tom LaMarche for stunt doubles, is spinning up to its August 24th premiere. Check out all the goodies here. Look, we all know the story line blows but it’ll be pretty rad seeing a movie like this on the big screen (or a torrent).