

Sean O’Donnell’s 2012 NACCC Photos


Sean O’Donnell’s 2012 NACCC Photos

Photos by Sean O’Donnell

I get bummed out when I can’t make it to events like the NACCC but then seeing people’s photos almost makes me feel like I was there, minus all the booze and partying. Well, almost…

Check out the rest of Sean’s photos from the 2012 NACCC here! Seattle has the pleasure of hosting 2013 and congrats to Minneapolis for landing the hosting for the 2014 NACCC!

Josh’s LOW


Josh’s LOW

After the 2011 NACCCs, Josh relocated to Austin from SF, where he worked at TCB Courier. Once settling in here in town, he took Andrew Low up on his offer for a track frame. Andrew went to town on this one with the finishing. This was the first frame that Andrew etched the owner’s name into the top tube. Other finishing notes include the TCB Courier logo etched in and Andrew’s signature on the non-drive chainstay.

Josh wanted this bike to ride fast and secure, so he went with some SRAM Omniums and a bullhorn on his cockpit. What better way to top off the build than with a Pentabike Muststash?

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

The 2012 Red Bull Art Attack NACCC Event


The 2012 Red Bull Art Attack NACCC Event

Austin Horse worked on this event with Red Bull for the 2012 NACCC. This art-based alleycat features 5 artists, all messenger photographers. All have contributed pieces to the
event, themed on the way of the bike. The photographs are from various messengers, around the world.  These photos have been divided into 6 pieces and each piece goes to a different checkpoint.

The event begins from inside the empty walls of the gallery, where the riders rush out to the first checkpoint and collect the first piece. Then the second and so on.

Gallery 5 Richmond VA
200 West Marshall Street  Richmond, VA 23220

May 24th
7 pm orientation
8 pm event start
9 pm recognition

Check out more information at the Red Bull Art Attack Facebook page.

Brussels Express


Brussels Express

If you’ve got 19 minutes tonight, you should really watch this documentary on cycling in Brussels. It’s not just your ordinary courier documentary, it’s a story about how the car has created one of the least cycling friendly cities in Europe. I thought all Flemish cities were havens for the bicycle but Brussels only boasts 4% cycling traffic. Some of these shots make Brussels look like Los Angeles at rush hour.

Courier Culture


Courier Culture

DC has a long-standing courier culture and this new short film explores just that:

“The bicycle messenger has been a fixture of the Washington DC landscape for decades. This mini-documentary explores a handful of the present day road warriors as they battle traffic and technology in pursuit of a fair wage and a freewheeling style of life. This is a preliminary cut, currently in post-production wrap up. Produced as part of the Corcoran School of Art + Design New Media Photojournalism Masters Program by Fixed Focus Productions. Fixed Focus is Maria Helena Carey, Dakota Fine, Reyna Levine, and Colby Waller. Thanks to Joel Gwadz for insight on cycling culture.”

Check out more here.

Messenger Mansion


Messenger Mansion

The legacy of the Messenger Mansion goes back over a decade. It used to be filled with SF graffiti heads and then over time, local couriers moved in. Now it’s more or less the TCB Courier HQ and I’m crashing here while I’m in town. Bike houses always make great subjects for photography and these photos were taken yesterday afternoon in the waining San Francisco sunlight.

Click the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.