Site Addition: Reader’s Rides


Site Addition: Reader’s Rides


I’d love to shoot all your bikes if I could. But the reality is, I can’t. Which is why, after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to open up Prolly is not Probably to more reader-submitted content. So, if you’ve got a noble steed worthy of some web-exposure, a camera (or a friend with a camera) and some time, you can submit your bicycle to me and I’ll post it up once a week with others. Need an example of a nice photo? Check out my post on Maurice’s Marinoni or my recent profile on Jim’s McLean.

Now, you know me well enough to know that I have my particularities when it comes to bike portraits. And all I’ll ask is that you:

Include one drive-side shot: Get down level with your bike and try to capture it all in photograph from the drive-side.

Include one detail shot: I want to see what makes this bike stand out from the rest! A nice lug shot or maybe a detail component shot would be ideal.

Resolution: Please! Send me photos at least 800px wide!

No Crap: Readers want to see beautiful bicycles, not clunkers. No offense to the beautiful beaters of the world!

You can submit the photos via email or post them on the Prolly is not Probably Facebook! As soon as I get submissions, I’ll set up a Category page.
