Sneak Peek: Jon’s Icarus Roadie


Sneak Peek: Jon’s Icarus Roadie

On Tuesday I met up with Jon to shoot his new Icarus road bike. Jon recently relocated here from Boston where he’s one bike away from being the ultimate Sommerville / Boston bike carrier. We’ve seen Jon’s Geekhouse and now here’s a sneak peek at his Icarus. I wonder when he’s going to get a Royal H and complete the trifecta?

Expect more photos from this gorgeous bike next week! Jon, I know I said I’d wait but I couldn’t resist a playful rib-chop to Ian!

OPEN Updates!


OPEN Updates!

My boys at OPEN in Boston are doin’ big thangs. I’m beyond stoked for these guys, who have built their shop from the ground up and in the short time they’ve been OPEN, they’re growing exponentially!

Check out this update from Zack

We are super stoked to share that we have formed a relationship with Freeman Transport, and are currently stocking soft-goods and very shortly, frames. As of now, we are the only shop formally working with them, which will yield some interesting projects down the road…
As well, our relationship with Traitor Cycles has been going great – there are a decent number of them moving around Boston, and Joe @ Traitor is a great dude to work with! We have a killer project with them in the works…

We’re also stoked to announce that we are working with three of the most exciting young frame builders in the Northeast who happen to represent the various methods of steel construction quite well – Icarus (Fillet Brazed), Geekhouse (TIG Welded) and Royal H Cycles (Lugged). As the exclusive dealer of these three bright and innovative builders, we work with clients thought the entire process of designing their dream bikes, from in-depth fittings to component specification. By mid-next week, we will have frames from each of them in the shop for sale.

Reading Between the (GPS) Lines: Bikepacking Roots’ Northwoods Route


Reading Between the (GPS) Lines: Bikepacking Roots’ Northwoods Route

Curious about touring the Midwest? Have you ever wondered what’s so special about the largest freshwater lake (by volume) in the world? What’s up with those Yoopers? How and why would you bring a bike to an island National Park where it is illegal to ride? Check out Spencer Harding’s (kind of) review of Bikepacking Roots’ Northwoods route on the shores of Lake Superior and some musing about not following that GPS line all the time. 

Rolling Back the Years: The 2023 Annual Pearl Pass Tour


Rolling Back the Years: The 2023 Annual Pearl Pass Tour

First held in 1976, the annual Pearl Pass Tour continues to take riders on one of the earliest organized mountain bike challenges: riding (and pushing) bikes to the top of Pearl Pass (12,705′) from Crested Butte, Colorado. Inspired to ride new terrain and get to know the burgeoning mountain biking community in Crested Butte, Wende Cragg and a band of Californians loaded up their klunkers and made the trip out to take part in several early editions of the now-iconic event.

Following a forty-two year hiatus, Wende Cragg returned to Crested Butte for this year’s ride. Read on for her tales from Pearl Pass, past and present…

Bikes and More from the Chris King Open House 2023


Bikes and More from the Chris King Open House 2023

With this year’s Chris King Open House coming right after the 2023 MADE Bike Show, the event decided to shift gears and focus on the Portland area’s outdoor brands. Chris King opened its doors to the public, unveiling the process that goes into machining bike parts in the USA, while inviting the broader outdoor industry to display their products. It was a full day of bikes and more! Check out our Reportage, sent in by Chris King and let us know your favorite bike in the comments!

Custom Klunker Challenge: The Leafcycles Trail Digger


Custom Klunker Challenge: The Leafcycles Trail Digger

As a trail worker, cyclist, and product developer at Schwalbe tires, Michael Rudolph knows better than most that heavy, and often sharp and pointy, tools don’t make for the most convenient bike cargo. And, coaster brake klunkers don’t often make the most capable cargo bikes. But, with the announcement of Leafcycles Custom Klunker Challenge, Michael was on a mission to reconcile these incompatibilities. Read on for the backstory and build process for his winning custom klunker submission: the Leafcycles Trail Digger.

Sans Suspension: John’s Black Cat Project Swami Rigid 29er MTB


Sans Suspension: John’s Black Cat Project Swami Rigid 29er MTB

Todd, from Black Cat Bicycles, has long been a favorite framebuilder of mine. A while back I did an Inside/Out Shop Visit with him in his home shop out of Aptos, California, and showcased a few of his bikes. I’ve also reviewed one of his Thunder Monkey hardtails. Something about his fillet-brazed and hand-carved lugged creations always resonated with me, even though I am usually attracted to tig-welded, more utilitarian “off-road” bikes. Truth be told: I’ve long wanted a Black Cat but wasn’t sure what to ask Todd to build for me.

Then it happened. As I was catching up with him at the 2022 Chris King Guest House event, I couldn’t stop drooling over the Swami 29er he had on display, so much so that I put a deposit down for one shortly after. So why buy a rigid mountain bike? I actually love riding rigid bikes on the same trails I ride my hardtails and full suspension bikes on. While I don’t take the same lines on my rigid bikes, I’m still relatively fast, or plenty fast enough, when descending a bike sans suspension.

For me, it’s all about being connected and honing skills. At this point, both reasons are tropes in bike reviews like this, right? Yet there’s something addicting to riding rigid bikes, and the Swami 29er has proven to be an incredible ally on our trails here in the Southern Rockies. Let’s check it out in detail below.

A FoCo Collabo: Josh’s Bender 29+ Touring MTB with Oddity Squid Fork


A FoCo Collabo: Josh’s Bender 29+ Touring MTB with Oddity Squid Fork

Will Bender is a bicycle frame builder based in Fort Collins, CO. His custom frames run the gamut from all-road to gravel, touring, and modern hardtails. Last summer, Josh paid Will a visit to document his shop and learn about his background and approach to building bikes. While he was there, he enlisted Will to build the touring MTB of his dreams — a comfortable 29+ rig capable of carrying heavy loads and designed to harmonize with the Oddity Squid Fork made concurrently by another Fort Collins frame builder, Sean Burns. Continue reading below for the full rundown on this build…

Bicycle Boys Clubhouse: The Fixie Kingdom of Bangkok


Bicycle Boys Clubhouse: The Fixie Kingdom of Bangkok

Up at the crack of dawn, we start our ride through the bustling streets of Bangkok. As the sun struggles to break through the dense smog that engulfs the city, we wrestle and weave through the maddening metropolis. People flood the streets. Market stalls pop up around us, and woks roar as they fire up and perfume the air with an explosion of rich Thai aromas. For once we won’t stop. We’re on a mission, we tell ourselves as we ignore the pull of the pad thai, and arrive at our destination: Bicycle Boys Clubhouse (BBCH).

Tucked away on Charoen Krung – the first road ever built in Thailand – Bicycle Boys Clubhouse is a breath of fresh air. A bike and coffee shop specializing in fixed/track bikes, high-end components, and kick-ass food. Surrounded by an array of artisans, specialty coffee hideouts, and a lowkey vinyl record store, the space exudes a sense of style. But BBCH is more than just a trendy bike shop: it’s a statement and a community.

Centuries of Saddle-Making in Birmingham: A Factory Visit with Brooks England


Centuries of Saddle-Making in Birmingham: A Factory Visit with Brooks England

Although I’ve struggled with a lifelong tendency to overcommit, I’m not a total megalomaniac. A few months ahead of this year’s Bespoked, I asked Josh to make the trip over from Arizona to London to cover the event while I (along with my business partner, another Josh, and an amazing team of volunteers) administered it. Running the show was already a massive feat, and I’d have done a disservice to both the show and the builders by trying to document it at the same time. Josh flew over and covered a huge number of bikes and builders with the diligence and dedication that they deserve (for a refresher, you can view those pieces here and here). It was cool to finally meet the guy on the other side of the emails, as we’d been working together for the better part of a year. During the show we were both focused on very separate tasks, but we made some time for a little road trip to visit the factory where Brooks England manufactures leather saddles, which is just outside of Birmingham in the little industrial town of Smethwick.