2010 Philly Bike Expo: Final Photos


2010 Philly Bike Expo: Final Photos

It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce the Final Photos for the 2010 Philly Bike Expo. After all those posts, my folder has run dry, leaving only a few photos left from the epic weekend. Head on over to my Flickr to look through the slim pickins’ and don’t forget to check out the whole set here. I’ll put up a post next week with all of the entries from the event coverage to make it easy to navigate in the future.

2010 Philly Bike Expo: J.P. Weigle


2010 Philly Bike Expo: J.P. Weigle

There are few framebuilders that can come close to J.P. Weigle‘s curves and lines that flow. His framebuilding is untouched and the details he tucks away in areas often overlooked by normal builders are to die for! I’m not making that up. From intricate cut-outs on bottom-bracket cable guide lugs, to throwback Columbus decals, heart-shaped vent holes and home-made Con-Denti road pedals, his bikes stood heads above the rest at the Philly Bike Expo. See for yourself in my Flickr!

2010 Philly Bike Expo: Circle A Cycles


2010 Philly Bike Expo: Circle A Cycles

Circle A hails from Providence, Rhode Island and while their custom bicycle frames are to die for, their paint jobs are also about as dreamy as they come on the east coast. Their offerings at the 2010 Philly Bike Expo ranged from touring bikes to BMX frames and a whole lot in between.

Head over to my Flickr to check out some more photos from their booth.

2010 Philly Bike Expo: Bishop Bikes


2010 Philly Bike Expo: Bishop Bikes

I’ve been showing Baltimore-based Bishop Bikes a lotta love here on the blog over the years. There’s an attention to detail in their frames that just speaks to me. From using NOS tubesets to carving up lugs, Bishop Bikes’ frames are amazing!

I caught up with Bishop at the Philly Bike Expo and took a detailed look at their bikes. Check out more photos below.

2010 Philly Bike Expo: Chromed Horse Cycles Track


2010 Philly Bike Expo: Chromed Horse Cycles Track

Another local framebuilder that had a booth at the 2010 Philly Bike Expo was the Brooklyn-based Horse Cycles. I showed you these integrated riser bars from Horse earlier and now you can see their mate, an all-chrome track bike.

This thing was virtually impossible to photograph. All that chrome! The detailing on the seat tube mast is ridiculous. I’ll try to swing by Horse this week and take some photos of it.

Also don’t forget to check out my Shop Visit to Horse Cycles.

2010 Philly Bike Expo Cycling Accessory Exhibitor Mash Up


2010 Philly Bike Expo Cycling Accessory Exhibitor Mash Up

The Philly Bike Expo brought out many beautiful bicycles and it offered up affordable booths to small companies who wanted to get their product’s names out to the cycling population. One of those companies was the Philly-based Fabric Horse. Known for their Lock Holsters and other accessories, Carrie and Mary have been busy cranking out products for their ever-growing line.

Check out some more vendors below!

2010 Philly Bike Expo: Icarus Frames


2010 Philly Bike Expo: Icarus Frames

The 2010 Philly Bike Expo brought out some beautiful show bikes. Included in the bunch was Ian from Icarus‘ creations. Ian’s a funny guy and this shirt is just the tip of the ice burg. While I’m sure Marty at Geekhouse appreciated the gesture, I can’t help but think of what he’s got in store for Ian at the NAHBS this year. Payback’s always fun right? Anyway, on to Icarus’ bikes…

Check out more photos below.

My Affinity 212 Loaded Down for the Philly Bike Expo


My Affinity 212 Loaded Down for the Philly Bike Expo

With all this talk about the Philly Bike Expo, a few of us decided to ride our bikes to Philly. Rather than taking the shitty highways and service roads, we’re going off the beaten trail a bit. Initially I was planning on riding my Merckx but the thought of locking it up and throwing it on the Chinatown bus for the ride home made me cringe. Since I just got the Affinity 212 dialed in, I thought it’d make for a good ride.

Check out some more photos below.

Event Reminder: Philly Bike Expo This Weekend!


Event Reminder: Philly Bike Expo This Weekend!

If you haven’t made arrangements yet to attend the Philly Bike Expo, you’ve still got time! It’s gonna be a great time with weekend-long events. Here’s a schedule of what’s going on at the Expo. While the Expo is going on, if you feel the need to take a break, head outside and check out the Bicycle Revolutions Fixed Freestyle Contest Trick Jam! Then, Sunday starting at 10am is the NY Bike Jumble swap!

As with any expo, beers will be had and memories made. I’m stoked!

I’m in Philly for the Bike Expo


I’m in Philly for the Bike Expo

This year, my friend Harry from NYC emailed me, asking if I’d be interested in riding from Brooklyn to Philly for the Bike Expo, like we did two years ago. I needed no persuading. I booked my ticket and before I knew it, I found myself in Brooklyn for a few days.

Today we rode to Philly and the route is amazing this time of year. I haven’t seen Autumn in years and man, it was in full vibrancy. Here’s a few Instagram shots, with 35mm on the way.

Our route looks complicated, but is actually pretty simple. Try it out yourself.