Interbike 2012: Pegoretti


Interbike 2012: Pegoretti

One of my favorite booths at Interbike this year was Dario Pegoretti‘s. Every time I walked past it, people were swarming to see the hand made steel masterpieces from Italy, rendering it almost impossible to get a clear photo of any of the frames. Since he had the only booth with hand-made track bikes in it, I had to get up close and personal with them.

While describing what makes Pegoretti Cicli’s work different from American builders, I overheard the rep say something to the effect of this: “Dario is from a long line of Italian frame builders. People who found a way to mix production with perfection. None of these American builders are capable of producing the quality and quantity as Dario…”

Arrogant? Sure. But hey, they’re Italian and with these bikes, it’s hard to argue otherwise.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Dario Pegoretti Triple Bridge Track Bike


Dario Pegoretti Triple Bridge Track Bike

Photo by James Greig

Dario Pegoretti‘s bikes are objects of great beauty and performance. This photo, taken by James Greig at the 2009 Cycle Show in Earls Cout, captures one of Pegoretti’s signature details; a triple brake bridge. It’s very easy to see why this photo captured my attention. Pegoretti’s work is immaculate. Be sure to catch more of his work at the Bespoke art show in May.

Bespoke: The Handbuilt Bicycle

Let’s Ride Cyclery in Burbank, CA is the Home of the LA Tourist Race!


Let’s Ride Cyclery in Burbank, CA is the Home of the LA Tourist Race!

Los Angeles has no shortage of amazing bike shops, which should come as no surprise for those who have ridden bikes there. Be it road, gravel, mountain, or inner-city mixed terrain routes, there is a myriad of hidden paths, bike expressways, and cutty cut-throughs connecting this city’s many parks. That route finding was the impetus for Let’s Ride Cyclery‘s Mike Kalenda to start his LA Tourist Race. This event breaks down the barriers of sprawling city navigation, taking entrants from the palm tree-lined streets high into the San Gabriel Mountains.

On my last visit to Los Angeles, I swung by to say hey to Mike and to check out Let’s Ride…

Teenage Dreams: Building a Replica of Miguel Indurain’s Pinarello Banesto


Teenage Dreams: Building a Replica of Miguel Indurain’s Pinarello Banesto

Miguel Indurain was the king of the Tour de France in the ’90s, winning five times consecutively. He was one of my teenage cycling idols, and coincidentally he and I share almost the same bike measurements; however, the similarities end there! I always thought it would be a fun project to build an everyday rider that was an Indurain Pinarello Banesto replica. Here’s how I got my “Big Mig” bike up and running.

You’ve Got a Friend in Middle Tennessee: A Shop Visit with Amigo Frameworks


You’ve Got a Friend in Middle Tennessee: A Shop Visit with Amigo Frameworks

When I started working here at The Radavist full-time last fall, one of my first projects was collaborating with Jarrod Bunk on the builder galleries he photographed at the 2021 Philly Bike Expo. It was a great project for me at the time, as I got to interview many of the builders about the bikes they showcased and, more generally, their individual framebuilding ethos. Designing and building bicycle frames is, for the most part, an individualistic pursuit and I always enjoy learning about how builders’ personal backgrounds and experiences become physically manifested in their craft. As alphabetical order would have it, the file folder labeled Amigo Bug Out was the first I opened and I instantly fell in love with the bike I found inside. The Bug Out had everything I’d been looking for: shreddy geo, setup versatility, innovative design solutions, beefy tire clearance, and badass artwork from my buddy Casey Robertson.

After a few emails and brief phone calls with builder Zach Small of Nashville-based Amigo Frameworks, I was more than stoked to put my name on the list for the initial run of Bug Outs. Zach and I ended up talking even more over the following weeks and when we determined the bike would be built and painted in time for the annual Gosh Darn Gravel Gathering, we hatched a ridiculous plan for me to travel to Nashville, build up my bike in his shop, and then ride GDGG together. Ergo, from the coverage we’ve already shared, I had a great and productive time with Zach and I not only returned home with a hellova fresh bike, but also a new friend… or I should say amigo.

Continue reading below for an immersive look inside Amigo Frameworks and to hear more about Zach’s path toward becoming a full-time framebuilder!


Ciavete: Dream On

From the studio of Pegoretti comes a new video, featuring appearances by Pegoretti owners from around the world, and American artist, Jacob Hashimoto. Dream On seeks to uncover the soul and spirit of the Dario Pegoretti brand through its signature artistic style, Ciavete.

Dust in the Wind: Six Months of Bliss on the Bice Biycles Wandrian 29er Gravel Bike


Dust in the Wind: Six Months of Bliss on the Bice Biycles Wandrian 29er Gravel Bike

Back in the summer of 2011, Dario took off on a solo tour, from his home town to Rome and back. This tour totaled over 2072.7km and changed the way he looked at the world. Tours and long rides on a bike are like that. Those long hours pedaling can really bring out the creative juices. The endorphins, the sights, sounds, smells, and the people you meet on the road broaden your perspective. You’ll often hear of these experiences as being life-altering and for good reason.

While in Rome, Dario met the team at Associazione Ex-Lavanderia, a bicycle frame building school and when he returned home, be began welding. Many hours were spent perfecting the art and over the past few years, Dario has had many teachers to aid his torch. Mattia (Legor), Dario Pegoretti, Gianni Gilardi and Preda, Stucchi and Perego have all passed down their knowledge to Dario.

When the time was ready, he launched Bice Bicycles where Dario builds road, all-road, gravel, touring, and mountain bikes. I was set up with a review of his most interesting offering, the Wandrian, through Biciclista, the US distributor for Bice Bicycles and Ingrid Components.

A Tour of Ken Wallace’s Bisbee Bicycle Brothel


A Tour of Ken Wallace’s Bisbee Bicycle Brothel

On my way to crashing the beginning of SSAZ down in Bisbee I made a stop by a place I have been wanting to make an excuse to shoot for quite some time now. Now, Bisbee isn’t on the way to anywhere and you really need to make a point to end up there,  I think I heard a rumor that Paul Price called it “Like a Downieville in the desert.” Bisbee is was a mining town turned that turned into an artist haven when the copper mining started to dry up.  The hours at the Bisbee Bicycle Brothel are loose and you can just give Ken a call if you want him to open up for ya. Now when and if you end up in Bisbee, you probably aren’t expecting much of a bike shop, but oh would you be oh so wrong.

NAHBS 2019: Mega Gallery Part 01


NAHBS 2019: Mega Gallery Part 01

For the past few years, NAHBS has been covered quite extensively here on the site but going into the show this year, I felt like I needed a change, so leading up to the event I had already mentally planned on covering it a bit differently, I just didn’t know how. When the show opened yesterday, I quickly found that covering it in a different manner wasn’t just an option, it was mandatory. My usual methodology of shooting and documenting bikes was not going to work. The show in Sacramento feels bigger than in years prior, maxing out space, and thus not giving me any options for shooting on the floor, so I had to think quick.

Finding a small alcove just outside of an exit, in a less than ideal location, I was able to document some bikes but found myself enjoying walking the venue talking to builders and attendees, something I rarely had time for in years prior. This allowed me to really enjoy the show and mix the coverage up a bit, providing a more well-rounded viewing experience. I’ll be presenting the show in a series of galleries this year, with most information in the gallery captions and complete bikes broken down below, so enjoy!

Mattia from Legor Cicli Made this Beautiful Paganotti Classic Road – Kyle Kelley


Mattia from Legor Cicli Made this Beautiful Paganotti Classic Road – Kyle Kelley

Mattia from Legor Cicli Made this Beautiful Paganotti Classic Road
Photos and words by Kyle Kelley

I know you all of heard of Legor Cicli before, but I’m guessing you all haven’t heard of Paganotti. Well, Paganotti is the embodiment of all the Italian masters who taught Mattia Paganotti how to build. Gino Lissignoli, Pietro Serena, Tiziano Zullo, and Dario Pegoretti all played a very special role in the fabrication of this bike. Very few frame builders can say they’ve studied with a master, much less multiple masters. Even fewer can say they’re a direct link to their master’s style and craft, but this is something Mattia says with confidence. If you have ever rode one of Mattia’s bike you know he’s telling the truth.

The 18 Beautiful Bicycles of the Chris King Open House


The 18 Beautiful Bicycles of the Chris King Open House

For the past few years, Chris King has opened their doors to the public as part of an entire weekend of events dubbed the Chris King Open House. This event’s intent is to be coordinated with a product launch of their new colors for the year, as well as to showcase what makes their operations tick, and to display a selection of custom bikes, built by some of their best builder customers.

the two new colors for this year: matte turqoise and matte mango.

This year, they sent out an open invite to 30 of their best builder accounts, offering up discounted pricing to them to build a bike for the show, passing on the discount to their customers. Out of those 30 builders, 17 showed up, and they were displayed alongside a Pegoretti bike, which we looked at on Friday. These bikes lined the halls of the Chris King factory, where visitors could look at their features in great detail, chat with the builders about their process, and if they were so inclined, purchase their dream bike.

I was invited up to the Open House to document these bikes for the builders and for Chris King, as well as offering up an ultimate dream bike gallery for you, the readers of this website. Please enjoy! Which bike do you like the best and why? Oh and if you’re interested in one of the bikes showcased here, be sure to reach out to the builders, who are linked in the bike descriptions below.

Crow’s Feet Commons Open UP Painted by Sheila Dunn


Crow’s Feet Commons Open UP Painted by Sheila Dunn

With builders like Pegoretti growing in popularity over the years, the idea of an “art bike” has certainly been given a lot of traction in the market. At the Chris King Swarm event in Bend, Oregon, Crow’s Feet Commons displayed this stunning OPEN UP, painted by local Bend artist, Sheila Dunn. The UPs have certainly signalled a sea change in the road, all-road and ‘gravel’ market, with their unique drop stay design, allowing for road cranks, with an XC tire selection, all made from the utmost of carbon technology, and designed for anything from a casual road ride to full-on endurance bikepacking events.

So what did Sheila use as inspiration for this build? Well, I’d say she didn’t have to look any further than out of her window.

I must say, this has to be one of Sheila’s fastest-looking canvases to date! If you’d like one of these custom painted OPEN UP frames, holler at Crow’s Feet, who is taking deposits for 10 right now.


Follow Chris King on Instagram, follow Sheila on Instagram, and follow Crow’s Feet Commons on Instagram.