Ride Along: Hans and His Rock Lobster Cross


Ride Along: Hans and His Rock Lobster Cross

Hans lives in Los Angeles and last year his wife bought him a Rock Lobster cross bike with a few added braze-ons. Hans and I spoke a lot about brake and tire options and it seems like he’s finally got his setup dialed in. One morning, as we were finishing up a MTB ride on Brown in LA, Hans went rolling by on his bike. I yelled “HANSSSSSSSS!” and he came scooting by, so I shot some photos with my Mamiya 7ii and earlier this week, I finally got them developed, prompting me to interview him with a few simple questions. Check them out below!

Tuesday Teardown: King Dude, Chelsea Wolfe and Horse Latitudes


Tuesday Teardown: King Dude, Chelsea Wolfe and Horse Latitudes

This Tuesday Teardown, we’re taking it slow and low, beginning with Seattle’s King Dude. I’ve plugged this band numerous times here on the site over the years, so little or no intro is needed. While a lengthy review of King Dude’s newest album, Burning Daylight, might help introduce you to this dark folk / Americana act, the above video just lays it all out. What’s the purpose in explaining something that’s so well composed? Burning Daylight is not your parent’s Johnny Cash, nor is it as neo-folkish as King Dude’s previous releases. It’s just damn good (dark) rock and roll. Stream the entire album at Stereogum today and pick up the LP at Dais Records.

Check out more Tuesday Teardown below!

NY Bike Jumble: The Saga of the Coney Island Velodrome


NY Bike Jumble: The Saga of the Coney Island Velodrome

NY Bike Jumble ( @NYBikeJumble ) Unearths Lost History of New York’s Last Bicycle Racing Track

Strong Backs and Weak Minds: The Saga of the Coney Island Velodrome

New York’s Last Commercial Bicycle Racing Venue, 1930 -1955

BROOKLYN, NY. NY Bike Jumble, New York’s premier organization dedicated to the preservation and continuance of cycling culture across the five boroughs, and The Old Stone House, a vibrant community center dedicated to the history of Brooklyn, announce the opening of ‘Strong Backs, Weak Minds: The Saga of the Coney Island Velodrome’, a new exhibit detailing the history of New York’s last commercial velodrome in Coney Island.

There’s more from the press-release below.

FAIL 13: 2023 Border Bash Aragon Event Recap


FAIL 13: 2023 Border Bash Aragon Event Recap

In late April, Ryan le Garrec rode his bike from Madrid to the start of the Border Bash Aragon, a gravel camp in the Aragon region of Spain. The event is not a race but simply a way for riders interested in camaraderie and sharing big days to meet in a beautiful place. Along with stories about a few characters he met at the bash, Ryan shares words from the organizer on the event’s intent, and Ryan’s own perspective on these “non-race” events.

PAUL x Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship Box Set Giveaway


PAUL x Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship Box Set Giveaway

Our friends at Paul Component are looking to help out the team at Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship through a wicked giveaway! Check out the press release below…

When we saw the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship announcement that all events for 2021 were canceled due to Covid, we were crushed. Anybody who’s been to the Downieville Classic, Mountains to Meadows, or Lost and Found knows we LOVE supporting these events with our aid stations, and partying with some of the best bike weirdos in the world, in one of the most beautiful areas in the world.

SBTS rely heavily on these events to help raise funds and awareness for all the amazing trails they build in the Lost Sierra, involving, employing, and assisting the local small communities in the process. It’s truly inspiring to behold the hard and meaningful work they put in, and a cause we will trumpet until we’re out of breath.

What can we do to help? Well, we’ve decided to offer up one of our few remaining Limited 30th Anniversary Box Sets as a prize to one lucky person, chosen at random, who donates to SBTS by March 14.

Consider donating the amount you would normally spend for entry fees and this will help keep the trails and community in good shape for 2022 when we’re all back out there shredding and partying together!

So how do you win?

-Head over to the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship website and donate any amount you can afford.
-Forward the confirmation email you receive from SBTS to travis@paulcomp.com. That’s it! Paul will choose a winner at random after March 14th in some bizarre way, so stay tuned!

Want to see what the SBTS is all about? Check out our Reportage from over the years in the Related column below.

From Henceforth: November 2nd Shall Be International Singlespeed Day


From Henceforth: November 2nd Shall Be International Singlespeed Day

Intro by California Travis:

Every Monday at 11 am, the entire PAUL Component shop staff has an “All-Hands” meeting to catch up on any changes or shop news or projects. For the last few months, this has been in the backyard with masks and everybody yelling across the yard to each other. It’s weird but no weirder than our usual shop vibes. Last Monday, Paul announced that November 2nd is International Singlespeed Day. We all looked at him like “Huh? Says who?” Then he said it was him and his friend Amanda’s birthday that day, and it was Amanda’s idea, and why the hell not?

Having never created an International Holiday before, I wasn’t quite sure what to do, so I got on the phone with a bunch of framebuilders and friends and said “Hey. It’s Paul’s birthday on November 2nd, and he wants everybody to ride singlespeeds. You down?” And of course, everybody said yes, I mean what the hell else are you going to do right now? So how do you join us? It’s pretty simple really, go for a ride on your singlespeed, wherever you live, post a photo on Instagram and hashtag it #InternationalSinglespeedDay, and wish Paul and Amanda a happy birthday if you want. Don’t have a singlespeed bike? Zip tie your shifters, or take the battery off your derailleur, maybe? Get creative, there are no rules!

Post your singlespeed bikes up in the comments too.

We asked Paul what the big deal is and this is what he wrote… Read on below!

Lower the Heavens: Attempting to Summit White Mountain


Lower the Heavens: Attempting to Summit White Mountain

We had set aside that Autumn weekend months earlier, just after having briefly met at a bike race called Lost and Found in late Spring. Matt was planning an extended bike commute through my town and asked to camp in my backyard. I told him sure, I have a fire pit, so it can really be like camping, but I’m going to barnacle onto that trip because it sounds fun. This trip took on many different names, with the goal to write some mockingly weird shit about it, and this one stuck: Tour of the Barnacle: The Chronicles of Holding On. The Barnacle Tour fell through, and a story that will not be told passed between then and this, but hell, we decided to stick to doing some exotic bike trip that weekend.

The 2019 Builders for Builders: Frame Builders Supporting the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship


The 2019 Builders for Builders: Frame Builders Supporting the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship

Once again, the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship is the beneficiary of Builders for Builders. Bicycle frame builders for bicycle trail builders. The formula is simple and effective! This year at the 2019 Lost and Found gravel race in Portola, California, the Builders for Builders raffle and fundraiser returned, bringing in the five builders offering up the winner of the raffle a decked-out, custom frame of their choice. You have from now until June 7th to donate $10. This donation enters you to win a custom bicycle from your pick of builder: Mosaic Cycles, Stinner FrameworksArgonaut Cycles, Sklar Bikes, and McGovern Cycles.

Mosaic Cycles Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary at the 2019 NAHBS


Mosaic Cycles Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary at the 2019 NAHBS

10 years in any industry is reason to celebrate and this year, Mosaic Cycles is doing just that. Choosing NAHBS to showcase unique bikes that epitomize their craft and creativity, we thought we’d share some of the unique builds they’re bringing to the tradeshow this weekend in a NAHBS sneak peek. We’ll keep this entry simple, so check out four of their eight bikes that will be on showcase at NAHBS this year below!

The Thule Group Acquires Tepui Tents


The Thule Group Acquires Tepui Tents

SNews reports that the Thule Group has acquired Tepui, our go-to rooftop tent setup. We love the brand and many of its employees are cyclists, who spend their weekends supporting such events as Grinduro and Lost and Found. We’re stoked for Tepui and we’re hoping that the brand doesn’t dissolve entirely into the Thule brand. Hopefully what this does mean is better distribution and more product availability. We’d love some new colors, too!

Rounding out the 2018 Sierra Buttes Triple Crown with Grinduro in Quincy!


Rounding out the 2018 Sierra Buttes Triple Crown with Grinduro in Quincy!

Grinduro is my favorite cycling event of the year and when you include it in the Sierra Buttes Triple Crown, alongside Lost and Found, as well as Downieville, you’re in for a hell of a weekend. In its fourth year, you could tell the event is dialed but that’s mostly due to the amazing venue that is the Quincy Fairgrounds, Giro, the volunteers, the sponsors, and the Sierra Buttes’ impeccable ability to show everyone a great time!

Practice Makes Perfection at the 2018 Downieville Classic


Practice Makes Perfection at the 2018 Downieville Classic

The Downieville Classic has been a work in progress since its inception in 1995, yet most recently the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship – the trail organization that throws the race and maintains hundreds of miles of trail in the Lost Sierra – made a massive leap in progress, but not without a lot of persistence, a little luck, and yes, tons of practice. Whatever mountain biking is to you, be it sport, hobby, lifestyle, or all of the above, it requires practice. The SBTS has logged over 25 years of practice working with various Forestry departments: learning the ins and outs of trail stewardship, including but not limited to the politics and practices of making and maintaining mountain bike trails.

How We Spent 2015 at the Radavist


How We Spent 2015 at the Radavist

2015 was life-changing for not only myself but for the Radavist, its authors and content. For the most part, the year felt like a giant ping-pong game as various stories brought me and the contributors of this website all over the globe. Luckily, the first major story unfolded in Austin, Texas so no traveling was necessary! Check out the Radavist’s 2015 Year in Review below!

Chiwawan Wakk Trak Chimichanga aka Big Bender Desertion – Ultra Romance


Chiwawan Wakk Trak Chimichanga aka Big Bender Desertion – Ultra Romance

Chiwawan Wakk Trak Chimichanga
Photos by Jared Kerst words by Ultra Romance

Survival fires, spandex spoon trains, pee tea sipping, mutiny, abandoned bikes, lost and found, etc… Chances are every outdoorsman has experienced one or another or all. 3 years ago Lorde Gaubert brought a group of “Pomeranian city slickers” out to the Chiwawan desert to explore the seemingly endless network of mining and smuggling trails left over from the Republic of Texas days. It was meant to just be a Lycra paced long day ride. Things didn’t turn out so well. Apparently it was Garmin’s fault, or the game trail that could have been a trail, trail, or the empty water bottles with boiling temperatures and tempers….. Either way, they got wicked lost, ditched their bikes, spoon train man piled round a survival fire all night, and found their truck the next day hours before an iconic Texas blue norther elbow dropped the temps into the 30s. It was a harrowing tale, a spandex spectacle all our brüs had heard and laughed about several times. But deep inside, all of us were eager to get shreddy on the 1-trakk monarchy hidden within the 2nd largest desert in North America, and furthermore, to find out if Lorde Gaubert’s curse was merely situational. He does have a reputation, after all…

2morrows Victory: Greg B – PSA 1


2morrows Victory: Greg B – PSA 1

Chicago Greg used to work for Tokyo Fixed Gear and now he’s working on a hip-hop project. While I don’t generally like hip hop, I can appreciate it. Oh and there are track bikes in it! Check it out:

“2morrows Victory is a kaleidoscope of creative individuals from many different backgrounds come together as comrades on a mission to unite the masses with a one vision movement. The meaning of 2MV stems from the groups desire/drive to chase the victory of tomorrow rather than todays stuff, not focussing on current situations or surroundings but rather channelling their energies and skills towards the promotion of things to come.

Greg B is a London based rapper from Chicago working with South London based producer Alan Baltic who has put together an elite team of musicians who play, perform and have a huge passion for Hip hop. Greg is currently recording his project ‘The Promotion’ which will be out later this year and in a few weeks his debut single ‘Lost and Found’ featuring Annonymos will hit the iTunes store and all retail stores across the UK. “

Greg B track available for download on 2morrows Victory!