Prolly is Not Probably’s Photography Picks of 2011


Prolly is Not Probably’s Photography Picks of 2011

With my increased interest in photography over the years, there has been a handful of photographers I look to for inspiration. Photographing cycling isn’t as easy as you’d think. There’s motion, tension and so much energy associated with each click of the shutter. Aperture, exposure and ISO all effect these factors and no matter how nice of a camera you have, it takes talent to creatively combine all of these factors into a compelling photograph. From 35mm to digital, these photographers produced some of my favorite photos of the year.

Check out my Photography Picks of 2011 below!

Commentary on Girls Who Ride


Commentary on Girls Who Ride

When the site was down last week, I posted up a few photos to my Tumblr. One of which was this photo I took of Kelli, at Golden Saddle Cyclery, drinking a cup of Intelligentsia and wearing her commuting outfit.

There are a few reasons why I took a couple of photos of Kelli. The most important reason was that this is how she rides her bike to work everyday. It’s comfortable and practical, second of all, is how much those ‘primped and posed’ photos just urk me. Show me a girl on a bike, dressed in her normal attire anyday over some side-boob “fixie” photo. And finally, I really think that girl riders don’t get enough love here on the site.

Now I know I always make comments about “chicks and bikes” but there’s been a bit of a back-lash on Tumblr recently, unrelated to this photo, on that very subject and I just wanted to address it. Sure, sex sells but don’t belittle the scene by prancing half naked girls around on bikes that they clearly don’t ride.

Anyway, thanks for letting me shoot this Kelli. I just wish I had gotten a few of you on your bike (which is parked behind her in the top photo). I guess I’ll just have to wait for the video that Ace shot.

Kinfolk Studios Brooklyn


Kinfolk Studios Brooklyn

Kinfolk has been a long-running name in the track bike community. It seems like just yesterday the guys emailed me about their new track frames and bar in Japan. Now, just 8 months after procuring a space off North 11th and Wythe streets in Williamsburg, Kinfolk Studios Brooklyn is alive. I spent some time with the guys this weekend and took photos after the morning coffee rush had subsided.

Check out more below!

Loose Legs Pre-NACCC Road Ride


Loose Legs Pre-NACCC Road Ride

I’ve been talking about doing this for a few weeks now and it’s finally happening. This week, if you’re in town for the NACCC, come out to a Friday morning road ride. Our route will be hilly and there will be a no-drop policy in play. This isn’t a smash fest, just a casual pace but it will require a lot of climbing so dress and gear accordingly. As the flier implies, some of the climbs are steep so if you ride this fixed, you will be applauded. Here’s a general feel for the route.

We’ll meet up at Frank on 4th & Colorado at 8:30am with wheels down at 9am. If you want breakfast and coffee, come a little earlier, like 8am.

After the ride, we’ll swing through Barton Springs for a quick dip so bring $3 to get into the park.

PLEASE, if you’re counting on being there, leave a comment so I can warn the barista at Frank ok?

The 2011 NACCCs are Coming to Town!


The 2011 NACCCs are Coming to Town!

This weekend, friends from all over converge on Austin to ride, race, rage and eat BBQ. The 2011 North American Cycle Courier Championships, or NACCC if you’re slow, will flood the town with riders from all over. It’s the first year I’ve officially sponsored the event and I want to thank all my sponsors for making that happen. It means a lot to me to support the local messengers here in Austin and I can’t wait to hang with all my friends. Check out more information here and if you’re not planning on coming, you’re gonna miss a good time!

On a side note, if I were to organize a road ride Friday morning, who would be down? A show of hands would be appreciated. 10? 20? Lemme know so I can make arrangements with the coffee shop we’ll meet at.

Building Kinfolk Studios


Building Kinfolk Studios

It’s crazy to think that Kinfolk‘s Brooklyn studios are finally open. Part offices, part bar and coffee shop, this spot is sure to attract a crowd on any given day. The guys invested all of their money in this space and that takes guts. Check out the latest entry on their Hypebeast blog for more process photos!

Touring: My Epilogue


Touring: My Epilogue

So this is way, way past due. I was planning on posting my post-tour thoughts immediately after my tour. Makes sense right? Well, after getting over salmonella poisoning and then Interbike, I finally have time to sit down and post about it.

My head was racing before I left. I must have sat all my equipment out on the ground and put half of it aside at least a dozen times. Traveling minimally is not my forte and neither was touring at the time. I had done a series of centuries and have done countless road rides but an unsupported and solo tour was foreign to me.

After a few weeks, I’m ready to share with you what exactly I learned from this trip. What to take, what not to take and how much this all cost me.

Check it out below!

Recent Roll: PDX Road Ride


Recent Roll: PDX Road Ride

Put all the coffee and strip clubs aside, I’ll remember Portland as having some great road rides. A few days before I left for my tour, I did a ride with the Rapha North America guys. It was a blast and it gave me a taste of what was waiting for me as I left town for SF. Here’s a few from a Recent Roll that I am digging.

A Day in 10 Photos: 08.29.2011 PDX to SF – Day 08


A Day in 10 Photos: 08.29.2011 PDX to SF – Day 08

Yesterday was the suck. The definition of the suck. The suck in concentrate. Unfiltered, organic, free range suck. After pulling a 120 mile day on Sunday, I did another 100 yesterday. Unlike Sunday’s route, Monday was all about the rolling hills. Not even an extra strong dose of Heart coffee could make that feel ok.

Check out nine more photos below!

A Day in 10 Photos: 08.23.2011 PDX to SF – Day 02


A Day in 10 Photos: 08.23.2011 PDX to SF – Day 02

Surprisingly I felt great this morning. I slept in a bit and got on the road around 10am. My morning coffee tasted better than any recent cup I’ve had and the two scones I woofed down provided ample nutrition. It was my first day on the 101 and I don’t know why I thought it would be a soothing experience. The cars and trucks speed past, well exceeding the 55mph speed limit and with the shoulder catching all the debris, you’re essentially walking on nails.

Check out more below!

Touring Essentials 01: Aerobie AeroPress


Touring Essentials 01: Aerobie AeroPress

Over the next few days, I’ll be taking the time to document some of the products I’ve picked up to prepare for my Portland to SF ride next week. I’m starting the series with the Aerobie AeroPress.

Coffee is just as important as water if you’re a cyclist preparing for a tour. Ok, that’s a stretch but I can’t remember the last time I haven’t began my morning without at least one cup and after riding day after day for weeks, it makes sense that you’ll want an easy and cost-effective way to make a cup. When I met Cole a while back, he showed me the Aerobie AeroPress coffee press. It was so simple to use and packed up perfectly. To boot, it’s made in the USA!

Check out more below!