AMGEN Tour of California #ATOC: Stage 08 – Los Angeles


AMGEN Tour of California #ATOC: Stage 08 – Los Angeles

This whole trip has been a blast and what better way to end these escapades than with a party at the Golden Saddle Cyclery? As the AMGEN Tour of California finished up in LA, the city rejoiced. Over at GSC, the party was going strong and Hennie, the Rapha Mobile Cycle Club served up the coffee as Kyle and company made brunch.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Golden Saddle Cyclery Kit Pre-Orders


Golden Saddle Cyclery Kit Pre-Orders

Kelli’s modeling the Golden Saddle Cyclery kits, which are probably the best shop kit ever. These are now available for pre-order, so do so now at Tracko!


“So starting today until May 7th(Kits should be delivered 4 weeks later.) we will be doing a pre-order for the Golden Saddle Cyclery kit made by Endo Customs here in Los Angeles, CA. The jersey can be purchased in white or black(you can even buy both like I did). A unisex bib and women’s short will be offered, along with arm warmers. Key features of each piece are listed on the items page. Feel free to email with any questions. Both the women’s and men’s jerseys are race cut. I’m not saying size up, that’s just the cut. You’ll have to decide how aero you wanna be. These things aren’t cheap by any means but compared to a lot of other brands out there I’d say say we’re offering up a pretty competitive price for premium goods manufactured here in the U.S. of A. And I’m damn sure you’ll be the best looking one on the ride, making you more confident and a better cyclist.”

I hear Kelli sold her track bike to buy a BMX and a road bike? WTF?!?!?

Oh and they’ve got more of the Intelli GSC caps in stock now!

C.B.S.P. Weekender – God Luck and Good Speed


C.B.S.P. Weekender – God Luck and Good Speed

See larger here / photos from Jon’s, Ross’ and my Instagram feeds

What can I say? I was jamming out to Weedeater during this ride and the title “God Luck and Good Speed” just stuck. We woke up at 6am on Friday and hammered it out to Colorado Bend State Park in Bend, TX. The first day was 118 miles and 4,900′. Initially, I was planning on taking us through 2222 and the hills on the east side of Lake Travis but we found 71 to 281 was actually quite pleasant with the lack of traffic. Doing so shaved off 3,000′ of elevation and after we rolled in on the 8-mile long gravel park-access road on Friday afternoon, I don’t think anyone regretted it.

The gear we packed was light. I brought the Woodville out with two panniers, a tent and my handlebar bag. Jon took a backpack and tarps and Ross was packing the lightest with about 15 lbs. Camping at C.B.S.P. is “primitive” but it’s exactly what we all needed. We cooked and hauled our own food, slept until dawn and consumed far fewer calories than we burned. We woke up Saturday and hiked about 15 miles to Gorman falls before dipping into some lagoons. It was amazing.

Yesterday was a different story. The climb out of the park was made worse by the hour-long torrential downpour. I had a rain jacket, Ross and Jon did not. They were shivering by the time we made it to the first outpost. Shit coffee and loaner wool made it bearable. As well as the local’s commentary: “ya’ll been feeshin’?” “no we’re riding back to Austin” “….” From there, we made great time, save for the flats and stops for food. I pulled hard and I’m feeling it now. There were a few stretches where we pace-lined it for over 10 miles and well over 25mph. We reeled in 116 miles and 4,100′.

My legs hurt for the first time since my “walkabout” in he Aussie bush.

Here’s to the first of many summer-time weekenders. More to come once my film gets developed.

How was your weekend?

The Dueling Banjos: Into Hell and Back – Day 02 Jamieson to Rosedale


The Dueling Banjos: Into Hell and Back – Day 02 Jamieson to Rosedale

All Photos by Andy White

After the first day’s journey into Jamieson, Shifter Dan, Andy and I awoke with empty stomachs and loose legs. A quick breakfast and a chat with some locals, sent us on our way to Licola and then Rosedale. Compared to day 01, day 02 was hell. Each of us broke at some point in the day, which was fine. It’s when everyone breaks at once that you’re screwed.

Within the first 20 miles or so, we were climbing up the Jamieson-Licola road range. Sealed quickly turned to jeep trail and jeep trail disintegrated to seasonal fire roads. You could tell not many people ventured through these parts by bike. In the end, bad decisions on day one, brought about the inevitable. As per the last post, Andy has my photos up with his words at Fyxomatosis.

Check out more below!

FBM: East Coast Roast


FBM: East Coast Roast

Fat Burly Mermaids just put up their East Coast Roast video from last weekend’s event. Who knows how to party? Those guys. Featuring Van Homan, Kenny Horton, Eric Holladay, Dillon Leeper, James Lukas, Neil Hise, Rob Tibbs, George Dossantos, The guy from the Colombian coffee can and many more…

The Boy Who Cried Checkpoint


The Boy Who Cried Checkpoint

I’m always amazed how how many people are still into alleycats, especially in NYC. One morning, I was finishing up my coffee when this kid came flying up the sidewalk yelling “CHECKPOINT??!??!?!” “CHECKPOOOOINNNT!!!!!!”. I’d seen this happen before. It’s so sad. He was lost during a race. Brooklyn’s far from a difficult city to navigate, so I went over to ask if I could help. He replied that he saw an alleycat on Twitter and that the manifest was posted with the #fixiefamous hashtag. I didn’t have anything going on that day, so I agreed to follow him around town, as we looked for these “checkpoints”. Part of me knew someone was just messing with the wide-eyed, tattoo’d, pink fixie kid….

The following is an epic poem, read the image captions for the story.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.

SF Randomness


SF Randomness

Wait, what? Yeah. I got back to Austin for a full day and then headed right back out. This time, I landed on the west coast in SF. After a much needed sleep on the flight over, I headed to the Mission Workshop space to recollect my bearings and have some Bicycle Coffee. From there, I headed to a super secret meeting (more later…) and then headed to Taylor Stitch and Benny Gold. A man’s gotta look nice right? Mash SF provided the late-afternoon entertainment and much-needed SF bike porn. These are all staple shops in SF to visit!

I’m rambling, so just check out this massive photoset below.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.

Friday Afternoon NYC Randomness


Friday Afternoon NYC Randomness

Yesterday was a blast. As I was getting my coffee in the morning, a young man came flying up the sidewalk yelling “Checkpoint!”. Immediately, I thought there was a race. Turns out, he was lost, so I followed him all over the city looking for the an alleycat. We stopped everywhere looking for fliers or information. Chari, Continuum, all the shops downtown. While we were in the city, I headed up to meet Daniel from Search and State and then we blasted 7th avenue with a group of guys from LA and SF before heading back to Brooklyn.

Riding a track bike in NYC is a buzz like none other and these photos came out sick.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.

Brooklyn Randomness


Brooklyn Randomness

Yesterday was the most fun I’ve had just cruising around in a long time. I love Brooklyn and the hardest thing about moving to Austin in 2011 was leaving all my friends behind. Now, I come back to the boroughs and am greeted with Beautiful Bicycles and a steady stream of inspiration. I can’t describe the sensation I get from visiting NYC on a bike.

After a night of drinking, I rolled out of bed and got some coffee at Blue Bottle. All I need is an Americano to get the day rolling. From there, I stopped into the Mishka NYC offices and shot the shit for a bit, before heading over to Outlier and I ended the day at King Kog yet again. There are many posts that will spin-off of these photos but I just wanted to show you what it’s like to pedal around this community on a glorious spring day.

Check out more by clicking the photo above or here to open in a new tab.

SxSW Randomness 03


SxSW Randomness 03

Today was awesome. We started off with a detox ride to some hills and immediately got sucked into the madness that is SxSW. I randomly bumped into Matty B, who was working at the Handsome roasters pop up shop. After some much-needed caffeine, I headed over to Yellow Jacket, where Elle Camino Vintage Clothes had her pop up shop going and from there, it just got kinda fuzzy. I do know that I saw Lamour Supreme at Secret Walls at some point but again, the rest of the night was a blur. Check it out for yourself here.

An Afternoon Session at T-1


An Afternoon Session at T-1

Today, after doing a quick road ride and running errands, I met up with some friends at a local Tex-Mex spot. Kevin Porter had just rolled into town and it had been a while since I saw him last, so we caught up about bikes, coffee, coffee, bikes and coffee. After too many margaritas, I cruised over to T-1 with Kevin for an impromptu session with some locals and out of towners. The vibe was great and everyone was throwing down. I managed to get a few shots with the 50mm, which usually is a huge pain in such a tight spot, but I used to focal length to my advantage for some tight crops.

Check out the Gallery!

FBM: Currency


FBM: Currency

How stoked was I to see this on FBM’s blog today? It’s not everyday that you see a Helm of Awe Viking shirt in the wild, especially with such a rad group of dudes. Crandall wrote up something on the blog about currency and how times with your friends riding bikes is better than anything money can buy:

“Currency is typically defined as money, dollars, whathaveyou…something that represents value, something you can trade.

I just spent the past 3 weeks in a van with much of the FBM crew traveling the States, visiting friends, riding spots, meeting new friends, sharing good times, etc…

For us the price of a gallon a gas was often more than we spent on meals, eating ramen noodles, store brand soup out of a can, sleeping at friends houses, in parking lots, on the ground, in the van, on a couch.

On this trip the currency was the generosity of good people, our friends, sharing their spots, their floors, their coffee, sometimes a tube to fix a flat tire, sometimes a home cooked meal and shower, and all the time, sharing their awesomeness with us. In return all our friends asked for, without saying anything, was a smile, and a hi five, to the tune of a clicking freewheel or the click and pop of a can opening.

Thanks to everyone we caught up with, for the good times, and the reminder that one of the most valuable commodities is friendship!”

Amen brother. Check out more AWESOME photos from FBM’s recent trip here on the blog. Bummed I missed you guys!

Screen Printing at Signal Cycles


Screen Printing at Signal Cycles

I had the chance to finally meet Matt Cardinal and Nate Meschke, co-owners of the Portland-based Signal Cycles. In their carefully-curated booth, they were selling these handmade posters. Each sheet was stained with Stumptown coffee before they were printed. How Portland is that? Even if you can’t own a Signal Cycles, you can probably afford one of these nice prints. Head to Signal Cycles for more information.

DEUS Cycleworks


DEUS Cycleworks

In the years since its inception, the DEUS label has grown from a history rich in motor bikes, to bicycles. With a number of locations, now worldwide, the DEUS Cycleworks shop in Sydney is the only one dedicated to the pushbike.

I’ve spent some time at the shop with the guys, since being in Australia and have enjoyed browsing the walls and shelves of this cycling lifestyle, cross-over boutique. Everything from city bikes, to NJS gems and modern track bikes can be found hanging from the walls and ceiling. And they’ll even build up your dream bike while you wait and have some coffee. Or just pick up some new threads from the Deus label.




Are you guys enjoying these daily photo journals? I hope so. Today we continued our cyclo-tourism around Sydney. We headed to Robo Cog for brekkie, then to the market and finally rolled over to Papillionaire Bicycles to see an internet bully named Harry. Sydney seems to be big on the Linus-style bikes and the rides they have built up at Papillionaire fit a tighter budget without sacrificing functionality or style. Lauren liked one of the models so I gave it some lens love. Other notable observations: holy hell, there are a ton of VW’s here and I still can’t get over how good the coffee is here.

Check out more at my Flickr.