
Latigo Coffee Campout

Happy Halloween! Our friends at Latigo recently held a campout in Alabama Hills, one of our favorite retreats from LA, and made a recap video, which we’re sharing here. Also, head to Latigo Coffee and use the code RADAVIST for $10 credit, starting NOW!

Coffee Outside and a Hidden Dirt Ride – Morgan Taylor


Coffee Outside and a Hidden Dirt Ride – Morgan Taylor

Photos and words by Morgan Taylor.

I unclipped the far side of Stephanie’s Sugarloaf to get coffee going and something I knew was eventually bound to happen, finally happened. After 15 weeks of #coffeeoutsideyvr, an object of actual (and sentimental) value fell off the pier: Stephanie’s double wall titanium camp mug, that had dangled carefree for 4,000 km of touring last summer and lots more since, was now floating in Burrard Inlet.

That was how our Good Friday began: with Tom stripping down and sending it into the cold, cold ocean to retrieve Stephanie’s prized possession. What we’ve come to know in the past three-and-a-half months of getting together to make coffee every Friday, is that there are a lot of rad people out there you haven’t yet met – people who might one day jump in a frigid body of water on your behalf.

Char Rie’s Cafe: The Hunter Cycles Super Coffee Bike Tourer


Char Rie’s Cafe: The Hunter Cycles Super Coffee Bike Tourer

Bicycles. They’re only as great as their owners, and custom bikes, being as special as they are, still follow this rule. I’m sure every framebuilder has completed a project like this at some point. Specific, yet versatile, made for multi-surfaces and designed for a short in stature, big in personality owner.

Rick Hunter of Hunter Cycles takes on projects like this frequently. Or at least it appears that way. I don’t know what it is about some of Rick’s bikes, but they seem to be an exercise in problem solving, while delivering upon their specific use with confidence. A master of the touring bike, custom racks and creative designs, Rick’s finished products are some of the most unique in the industry.

Chari means bike in Japanese.

Rie’s “Super Coffee Bike Tourer” came to be when she decided to tour Europe, after her friend Mortimer from Keirin Berlin urged her to do so. Rie decided she wanted to attend various bike events, make new friends and pour coffee from her bike, something she had been doing since 2010 at her job while working for Circles and Sim Works in Nagoya from a singlespeed city bike. This trip however, would require something more capable, so she contacted Hunter Cycles and began to plan for her trip.

She started her journey on July 15, 2013 at Keirin Berlin and finished on October 28, 2013 for her birthday in Portugal at Cabo de São Vicente, aka “the end of the world”, the Southwesternmost point of European Continent. A bike’s use doesn’t die once its job has been completed though. For the past few years, Rie has tackled singletrack in Santa Cruz and various other bike tours, including our recent trip to Mount Fuji and Izu Oshima.

My job surrounds me with Beautiful Bicycles, of all shapes and sizes, sometimes desensitizing me to just how insane they can be, yet I can’t get over how rad this bike is… See more from Rie’s trip or her bike at her blog and be sure to check out her Instagram for more photos from her life of bikes!



Flat Track Coffee Kickstarter!

Yes, you should support your local bike, record and coffee shop forever and forever but that doesn’t mean you can’t help other small, independent shops grow at the same time. My (old) local coffee shop and friends at Flat Track Coffee have just launched a Kickstarter to help expand their Austin, Texas facilities into a complete roaster and expand their digs.

Backers get to choose between a bag of coffee, shirts or their new camp mugs… depending on how much you want to fork over. Personally, I’m digging the Scoundrels designs and classic camp coffee mugs…

Head over to the Flat Track Coffee Kickstarter to see more!

Free Coffee at Heritage General Store – Kyle Kelley


Free Coffee at Heritage General Store – Kyle Kelley

Free Coffee at Heritage General Store
Words and photos by Kyle Kelley

Earlier this year when I was visiting Louisville for NAHBS I met Mike Salvatore, the owner of Heritage in Chicago. I had heard of his operation through the special edition collaborations he’s done with builders like Stinner and Humble, but honestly didn’t know much else about the business. Mike filled me in a little bit on his past, what he is working towards and invited me to stop by for a visit before my flight out of Chicago.

#LARiverCampCoffee with the Los Angeles County Coffee Connoisseurs


#LARiverCampCoffee with the Los Angeles County Coffee Connoisseurs

Every Wednesday, a group of coffee enthusiasts wake up with the sun, pack their camping coffee setups on their bikes and meet in a small park on the LA river. There’s no requisite, just make coffee, chat and partake in the occasional donut.

Errin Vasquez organizes this gathering, which I first found out about on Instagram and this week, I got to hang out with this growing meeting at the Sunnynook River Park. Along with capturing the general vibes, I followed Jesse Carmody‘s brewing technique and shot photos of Errin’s Box Dog Bikes Pelican randonneur bike.

Escaping Black Friday with Bicycle Camping, Bourbon and Black Coffee


Escaping Black Friday with Bicycle Camping, Bourbon and Black Coffee

For the past two years, a few guys from Beat the Clock Cycling have taken to the open roads the morning after Thanksgiving to escape Turkey-snacking and Black Friday madness. This time of year is when we get in our camping trips. It’s not 100º out and the only worrisome factors are the sudden cold fronts that blow in and yeah, the horrible headwinds that make trekking southbound unbearable.

Still, knowing we might face rain and 30+ mph headwinds, a few of us loaded up our TT bikes (tent time bikes) and glanced over Nick’s route through Texas Hill Country. On the agenda: Pedernales State Park and Guadalupe River State Park, the former of which, none of us had ever been to.

I Understand the Part About Coffee


I Understand the Part About Coffee

NSMB lays down the 30 or so steps to becoming a mountain biker. I skipped all this and went straight to coffee. Where’s the part about growing out your leg hair and leaving your lycra at home? That ain’t happening…

Trouble Coffee Run via San Bruno


Trouble Coffee Run via San Bruno

San Francisco has many great coffee shops but one in particular has become sort of a tradition in the past few times I’ve visited the city. Trouble Coffee is by no means a local’s secret, but it’s worth the jaunt over if you have the time. Especially if you can meander a bit, say, up San Bruno.

Chas took me on a great 28 mile loop around SF one of the last days I was in town. We started in the Mission, headed south up San Bruno, took a dead-end but scenic road and then headed west to Trouble coffee before splitting GGP on the way home. All in all, it was a great little ride and it goes to show that you really can get in a lot of climbing (2,000′) on an easy ride like this.

Check out the route on my Strava and maybe give it a try yourself. See more shots from the road (and dirt) in the Gallery!

SF Coffee Runs


SF Coffee Runs

I love riding in California and today was my first time riding in Golden Gate Park. I crashed with Chas last night and this morning, we headed out to Trouble coffee for some of their excellent coffee and toast. There’s nothing like the #lightbro in early SF mornings.

Afternoon Cup at Flat Track Coffee


Afternoon Cup at Flat Track Coffee

I don’t need to write some clever dialoge about how people love their local coffee shops. Since moving to Austin, the coffee options have grown considerably and one of the first people I met in Austin who really got coffee was Matty B.

For the past few months, he and Sterling have been working on Flat Track Coffee. They went from delivering beans to businesses and selling to individuals directly, to opening a small shop in Austin’s East Side. It’s literally three blocks from my house and has become a post-ride staple, as well as an afternoon pick me up.

Follow these guys on Instagram for some rad bike photos and check out some photos I shot in the Gallery!

Flat Track Coffee
913 E Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX, 78702
Open daily…

Tools of the trade:
Leica M7
Zeiss T* f2.8 28mm
Fuji Neopan 400