A Weekend at SoCal Cross – Julio Boostamante


A Weekend at SoCal Cross – Julio Boostamante

A Weekend at SoCal Cross
Photos and words by Julio Boostamante

Julio Boostamante, You know… the local Socal photo dude from Compton that shows up at the Wolfpack Hustle races, local Fixie Crits and snaps a bazzilion pics of all the action. Yeah, well now you can also find me Fredding it up at the Socal Cross Races. Why? Well, because I decided it was a good idea to suffer for 40 mins on a bike.

I’m way more comfortable and less sweaty behind the lens but you know what? Something about racing cross and finishing is well, rewarding. The beauty of it is that anyone can do it. Yes, even me as an out of shape photographer. You should try it sometime! Lots of suffering will be had at these events on any giving weekend but also, lots of good times with awesome people can be had. For me it doesn’t get any better than that! Did I mention you get to drink beer in the park? Yeah, just don’t let the Park Ranger find out.

If you’re crazy enough, you can also do the course fixed in the annual Tracklocross race like some of the local fixed gear homies did. Sounds insane I know but I promise you, it’s more fun than scary. Well for us to watch anyway.

Check out the photos to see what all the weekend fuss was about and keep the heckling loud and the beers cold at the next Cross event!


Follow Julio on Instagram.

Trackosaurus Rex: Austin’s BMW Gangsta Track/lo Cross


Trackosaurus Rex: Austin’s BMW Gangsta Track/lo Cross

Photo by Kyle Kelley

The Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta track was one of the first cross over track bikes that really could adapted for just about any terrain. I remember a few messengers in NYC racing cross on these bikes at Staten Island a few years back. One of those messengers was Austin Horse. Well, he’s still on it. In fact, he raced the Westside Invite in LA a few weeks back before heading over to Japan to race cross and another Red Bull event.

Before Austin embarked for Japan, Kyle at Tracko took some nice photos of this unique machine. Check out more photos here.

Prolly is Not Probably’s Year in Review


Prolly is Not Probably’s Year in Review

Well, I hope you all had a great New Year. I’m assuming most of you are back to work now and probably have some time to kill today during your lunch break so I invite you to check out a year in review. 2011 brought about a lot of traveling for me and like the increase in frequent flier miles, the site’s content continues to rack up. International, cross-continental and bi-coastal travels brought me to shops, events and in front of Beautiful Bicycles.

Check out Prolly is Not Probably’s Year in Review below!

SoCalCross Recap: This Guy is Older and Tougher Than You


SoCalCross Recap: This Guy is Older and Tougher Than You

This guy (I wish I knew his name) was living by the tortoise’s motto, “slow and steady” and while he didn’t win the race, I can only hope that I’ll be riding at his age. During the SoCalCross Tracklocross race, he was in the drops on this classic track bike. So sick!

And yes, the SoCal Cross will have multiple posts but I’ll do my best to mix them all in. There are just too many rad photos to dump them into one.

SoCalCross Recap: Cross on a Track Bike


SoCalCross Recap: Cross on a Track Bike

Saturday in Los Angeles brought forth the SoCalCross race and the first ever southern california Tracklocross race. While I spend this afternoon going through all the photos, I figured I’d share this one with you. Yes, it’s way out of focus but I really love how it came out. That’s Hern whipping up a pile of sand on his way through the pit on the course. Watching Austin Horse crush the shit out of the field was entertaining. It was a great way to conclude the afternoon for me.

More to come shortly!

First Mud pt II Recap


First Mud pt II Recap

Doug has some great pics from Tracklocross up on his Flickr. Make sure to head over and check them all out.

Looks like a muddy good time. Next year, don’t throw it on Easter weekend guys! Had to go spend time with family. Sucks I missed out. Was really looking forward to it!

Thanks to Dom for this video too!