Prolly is Not Probably’s Photography Picks of 2011


Prolly is Not Probably’s Photography Picks of 2011


With my increased interest in photography over the years, there has been a handful of photographers I look to for inspiration. Photographing cycling isn’t as easy as you’d think. There’s motion, tension and so much energy associated with each click of the shutter. Aperture, exposure and ISO all effect these factors and no matter how nice of a camera you have, it takes talent to creatively combine all of these factors into a compelling photograph. From 35mm to digital, these photographers produced some of my favorite photos of the year.

Check out my Photography Picks of 2011 below!

Takuya Sakamoto: Torey Fish Gap Nollie

There’s little debate that this photo is one of the best fixed freestyle photos of the year. Takuya Sakamoto‘s work is always dialed.

dd/mm/yyyy: The Vigorelli

What better name for a photography blog than dd/mm/yyyy? This photo of the Vigorelli is awe-inspiring.

Damian Riehl: Coffee Bike

I met Damian at the NACCCs this year and began covering his work. His preference of medium format sets him apart from many other photographers.

British Cycling: 2011 UCI Track World Championships Day 2

Raw power was captured at the UCI Track World Championships. Leave it to British Cycling to present us with compelling photos.

Doug D: Wonka Ledge Blast

Doug‘s work covers everything from polo to fixed freestyle and his recent tour has produced some fantastic work. Keep an eye out for his photos on his Tumblr.

Subject Phan: Mat Gettin’ Wet

Something about Subject Phan‘s only entry on this blog just speaks to me. Miss ya Mat.

Brenton Salo: Goon Squad

Brenton Salo is the man. Hands down. He’s super humble and it shows in his elegant work.

Heather McGrath’s Photo of Lucas Brunelle Rocks

Heather‘s work is as exquisite as Lucas’ videos and when you put these two together, this is the outcome.

Dave Beard: Gus Molina Triptych

Even though we didn’t see a lot from Dave Beard this year, I loved this series. His tripych of Gus is a study on cropping with your eye.

Manual for Speed

Emiliano’s new side project, Manual for Speed showcases how to shoot professional cycling.

Fyxomatosis: The Great(est) Victorian Bike Ride 2011 – Day 6

What else can I say about Andy White that I already haven’t said before on this site? Andy brings some of the best photography each year. From cycling, to cycles and everything in between, there’s one source for your fix, FYXO.

Macaframa: Jason Leaning In

Dylan and the Full Frame Collective crew straight up killed it this year.

Matt Lingo’s RecFail

In the few months it’s been live, RecFail has become a great source for fixed freestyle, bmx and random photography. Hats off to you Matt.

Brian Vernor: Where Should We Go This Weekend?

There’s just something this Santa Cruz native just gets, one of which is how to use film to its full advantage. Brian Vernor‘s blog has become a staple for my photographic bug.

Trackosaurus Rex: Jake Ricker Yamaguchi School Recon

This is one of my favorite photos from 2011 and with good reason. Jake‘s photos delivered, on all accounts.

Hopefully these photos moved you like they did me this year. I hope everyone finds interestingness in their cities this year and point their lenses in that direction!