Merckx Mondays


Merckx Mondays

Photo by Le Mond on Flickr

Each week, I scour the ‘net using all of my known resources for Eddy Merckx material. Sometimes, I come across older Flickr pages that I’ve previously overlooked and more often than not, eBay offers some tasty finds.

It’s Merckx Mondays, after a holiday weekend. Check out some randomness below.


This Merckx pista is still hovering well below the buy it now price. While it’s not worth the asking price, if you can snag it for under a grand, you’d have a nice frame.


If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me plug this eBay store. The seller had a full size run of Eddy Merckx Adidas cycling shoes, in gray and red for $95. While the shipping is a bit steep, it’s pretty standard for parcels from Canada. He’s low on sizes but there are still some left.


I’ll end this week’s Merckx Mondays with this shot from a Recent Roll of Ilford 400. I never got around to shooting photos of this Merckx at Two-Wheeler Dealer but something tells me it’ll still be there the next time I come home to NC.