Beginning from a cross country bike ride in 1976 to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial, Adventure Cycling has dedicated its existence to those wishing to explore the cycle touring routes throughout the United States. To commemorate over 40 years of documenting, publishing and celebrating cycle tourism, the ACA is throwing a party in Montana. Dubbed the Montana Bicycle Celebration, riders from all over the country are flocking to Missoula on July 15th through the 17th. It’s this celebration that prompted a rather large group of people to fly into Banff, Alberta and ride to Missoula along the Great Divide Route.
Kyle and Liz are leaving a few days earlier to take their time and soak in the epicness that is the Tour Divide but before he left, I shot some photos of his Ros 9+ with its new Stinner Frameworks fork. This addition allows Kyle to mount Anything Cages to his bike, giving him the extra room he’ll need on this two-week journey.
Hopefully we’ll have photos from this trip up on the site next month, thanks to Andrew The Maker‘s nifty rolltop handlebar camera bag. If you’re going to the ACA Montana Bicycle Celebration, be sure to give this group of wayward riders a high five and a beer!