Hollis Duncan at the 2014 Spanish Cyclocross Championships


Hollis Duncan at the 2014 Spanish Cyclocross Championships


Hollis Duncan‘s work has been featured on the site before and I really enjoy his photos. Here’s the latest from the photographer, a video from the Spanish ‘cross championships:

“A few weeks ago, I went on self-assignment to Spain’s ‘cross championships in Segorbe (Valencia) and the first person I stopped to ask directions on the street happened to be Belgian. I carried little more than a camera and some beer money; paid peanuts for an individual room in an NH hotel with a bed no wider than my brake pads.

One thing that makes the Spanish championships unique is that there is a race-within-the-race between the 17 autonomous communities that comprise Spain. While you see a lot of team jerseys the majority wear kits from their home region: Basque Country, Galicia, Madrid, Catalunya, Valencia, etc. It was nice to see kids racing their ass off for regional bragging rights. Of course the Spanish have an inferiority complex re: Belgium, but the Basques are doing their darnedest to close the gap. Their support would be indistinguishable from Belgium’s if they showed up in equal numbers, and one advantage Spain enjoys over Belgium is Iberian ham.

Cariño, ¿has puesto mis Lightweights en la furgoneta .. y el jamón?

Check out some photos at Hollis’ Flickr too!