

Interbike Had its Moments


Interbike Had its Moments

Photo by Josh Hayes

Look, I hate Las Vegas and I’m not too stoked on Interbike, but being able to hang out with friends the whole time is certainly a high point. Especially these dudes. Magic just happens, like the moment I realized the vuvuzela makes an exceptional beer bong!

Marc Marino Interview


Marc Marino Interview

One of my favorite bike dudes to hang with (and photograph) was recently interviewed over at Optimus Fixed.

“OF: I remember you as a relaxed and interested person with a modest atitude. So do you have any special philosophy in live?

My philosophy in life at its most simple is to do what makes you happy. Take whatever opportunity you have to travel, and further yourself as a human. I’m lucky enough to be able to go all over the world, with people that I love, and get together on a level that pushes us all to our physical limits.”

Check the rest out here!

Andy Bokanev: A Northwest Primer


Andy Bokanev: A Northwest Primer

Photos by Andy Bokanev

This whole ‘cross thing is getting seriouser and seriouser each year, which is bad! Cross is really fun and that funness should be treated with kid gloves. That said, just because it’s fun, doesn’t mean it isn’t painful and majestic when in the right venue. Like say, the Northwest…. Check out some recent photos shot by Andy Bokanev here!

I’m Always Thankful


I’m Always Thankful

I don’t need a special day to remind me to be thankful because it never leaves my mind. Now this goes without saying but I cannot thank you enough for being such rad readers. Yes, even the ones who ruin the comments… Also I’d like to thank the supporters and sponsors of this site, to whom which I’m eternally grateful for everything they’ve done.

Now get out and ride this morning before your family and friends invade!

Yonder Journal on Talismans


Yonder Journal on Talismans

Jon Bailey is a bit of a legend in Colorado. Hell, I’m sure his legacy resonates at least to Japan at this point. He’s resourceful to say the least, which leads right into the latest from Yonder Journal. How can a Comfort Inn cup hold magical, healing powers? Head on over to Yonder Journal to find out!

Merckx Mondays


Merckx Mondays

Photo by Doug Dalrymple

When I saw this on Crihs’ Instagram from the Bicycle Film Festival‘s Joy Ride art show in Mexico City, I had to get a higher res photo for Merckx Mondays. Luckily, Doug D was there and shot a proper photo. I’m so stoked on this piece and if I had the wall space, I’d try to purchase it from the artist! Here’s the scoop:

Name: 148+fracc
Website: www.facebok.com/yopower
Materials: wood and acrylic paint
Technique: xylography
Work description:

“This piece is based on Eddy Merckx’s hour record done in Mexico’s Agustin Melgar velodrome in 1972. The name of the piece comes exactly from that: 148 laps and fraction that he did to complete the record. The rasterized image is carved on wood pieces with the regalement size for velodromes. Also the colour lines are official except that the cuerda line is red instead of black just as it was back then.

Generally in my work I use a contrast between antique techniques and new concepts. That’s what gives all my work a discursive character. In this case this piece was specially made for the Joy Ride art show of the Bicycle Film Festival Mexico.”

So rad! Speaking of art pieces, Tracko came across this eBay auction!

Well That Was Cold…


Well That Was Cold…

At this point, we’ve all come to accept the fact that the Brovet is cursed! Yonder Journal was in Austin for Brovet #04 this past weekend and after all the warm weather we had the past few weeks, mother nature turned on us yet again.

The temperature dropped over 40 degrees in 7 hours and as we set out into the mid-30 degree, rainy, windy weather, all we could do was laugh. Ok, so no one cried, but we were all pretty broken.

Even though we didn’t finish the route I planned, we all completed the altered course. Check out a few Instagram photos from the ride below! Of course, there will be more from Yonder Journal and myself in the future…

Yonder Journal is in Austin for Brovet #04


Yonder Journal is in Austin for Brovet #04

The guys from Yonder Journal are in Austin for 48 hours, 30 of which, we’ll be spending riding 300 miles on a route I’ve pulled together. For now, the ride is being called the Enchanted Rock Permanent.

Even though the weather was in the 80’s here all week, tomorrow, it’s supposed to be in the low 30’s, rainy and a 20 mph headwind tomorrow.  So, what I’m saying is, it’ll be interesting!

Follow me on Instagram and check out the #GoYonder hashtag.