

Deadfall, Cow Sh*t, and Monsoons: A Well Used Revelate Nano Panniers Review


Deadfall, Cow Sh*t, and Monsoons: A Well Used Revelate Nano Panniers Review

In a world where traditional bicycle touring setups are seemingly overtaking strap-on bikepacking bags, micro or mini panniers make a lot of sense. If you have a rear or front rack, why not run a pannier over a lashed, structureless bag? Panniers are great for many reasons, mainly their ease of loading and stability. They don’t flop all over or rub your tires on smaller frames like bikepacking bags tend to, and if they’re packed and mounted right, they stay out of your way during the inevitable hike-a-bike. Plus, depending on how you load your rear rack, you can still use a dropper post. 

John recently took the new Revelate Nano Panniers ($250/pair) out on the Northern New Mexico CDT for four days of navigating deadfall, battling cow shit, and being trounced by Southwestern Monsoons, i.e., the true test of a pannier’s reliability!

Read on for his well-used review!

In Stock For Now: The Radavist Summer ’23 Merch Drop


In Stock For Now: The Radavist Summer ’23 Merch Drop

We just stocked our full Summer 2023 drop over at The Radavist Webshop, featuring new sock designs, including our Rangefinder in obsidian or cobalt, Mycelium in obsidian and natural, and Tecopa in tufa designs, a 32oz Radavist Expedition Bottle, and a new Caninae Jersey in both short and long sleeves in olive or lavender, perfect for year-round riding.

The full drop is in stock and shipping today from The Radavist Webshop.

We want to take this moment to thank you for your support. Your merchandise purchases go directly to this website’s annual budget. The profits pay our contributors a premium rate for their hard work, large-format media projects, and salaries. This website only generates money from our display ads and merch sales. Your support keeps the stoke high over here; we’re forever grateful!

Forge + Bond Adds 25 XC and 30 AM Carbon Wheel Models and Lowers Prices


Forge + Bond Adds 25 XC and 30 AM Carbon Wheel Models and Lowers Prices

We covered Forge + Bond’s house-brand, U.S.-made, recyclable “Fusion-Fiber” carbon wheels when the brand launched back in April. Today marks the first update to their lineup; the new cross-country 25 XC, and the lightweight all-mountain 30 AM, which Travis Engel will be putting through its long-term paces on his personal and test bikes over the coming year. But there are also new builds, and new price points. The exact details of today’s news serve as a bit of a status report on this disruptive new tech, and how today’s volatile market is reacting to it.

The Radavist 2023 Calendar: August


The Radavist 2023 Calendar: August

“Midnight Special” is the seventh layout of the Radavist 2023 Calendar. It was shot with a Sony A1 and a Tamron 28-200 lens in Westfjords, Iceland. Photographed by Josh Weinberg.

“Here’s another stunning shot from Josh’s Reportage at the Stage 4 (Midnight Special) of the Arna Westfjords Way Challenge around 2:00am as the Arctic Sun was rising…”

For a high-res JPG, suitable for print and desktop wallpaper*, right-click and save link as – The Radavist 2023 – August. Please, this photo is for personal use only!
(*set background to white and center for optimal coverage)

The mobile background this month is a vertical crop from the same early morning. Click here to download Augusts’s Mobile Wallpaper.

Sincerest Flattery: Reviewing Maxxis Assegai Imitiations from American Classic, Delium, and Bontrager


Sincerest Flattery: Reviewing Maxxis Assegai Imitiations from American Classic, Delium, and Bontrager

The Maxxis Assegai is one of the most aggressive front tires on the market, but you don’t necessarily have to be aggressive to enjoy it. Its adaptability to multiple riding styles and multiple terrains has gained the Assegai quite the following, including from competing tire brands. American Classic, Delium, and Bontrager have launched lower-priced tires clearly inspired by the Assegai, and Travis Engel is here to tell us how how they stacked up against his favorite front rubber.

Every Ride Carry: Ghost Rider Equipment Kermode Bear Spray Holder Reviewed


Every Ride Carry: Ghost Rider Equipment Kermode Bear Spray Holder Reviewed

In the hunt for a better way to carry bear spray on his bike (or even carry it at all) Pat Valade found the Kermode Bearspray holder from Ghost Rider Equipment. An adaptable, light, and elegantly simple way to lash a can of bear spray to almost anywhere on your bike. And it’s designed and manufactured in British Columbia. Continue reading below for Pat’s thoughts following a few recent trips using the Kermode.